Ses­sion 2

Ses­sion 2: China: Air­tight­ness and Qual­ity As­sur­ance

Room 4 - Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 1:30 pm

Time Top­ic Speak­er

1:30 pm

Guidelines for air­tight­ness meas­ure­ments in highrise build­ings

In high-rise build­ings, the stack ef­fect can cause pres­sure dif­fer­en­ces of more than 50 Pa between the ground and top floors. For val­id air­tight­ness meas­ure­ments, it is par­tic­u­larly im­port­ant to avoid meas­ure­ment points where un­der­pres­sure and over­pres­sure are present sim­ul­tan­eously in the build­ing.

Jür­gen Schnieders

1:55 pm

The se­lec­tion of ma­ter­i­als and meas­ures for the air­tight­ness of Pass­ive Houses with dif­fer­ent con­struc­tion types

This pa­per sorts out and ana­lyses the air­tight ma­ter­i­als used in the mar­ket at present, pro­poses the ap­plic­ab­il­ity of dif­fer­ent air­tight ma­ter­i­als, and sum­mar­izes the cor­res­pond­ing key nodes of the air tight­ness and treat­ment meas­ures in com­bin­a­tion with the struc­tur­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics of dif­fer­ent build­ings.

Qi­an Cai (蔡倩)

2:20 pm

Meas­ur­ing the air­tight­ness in highrise build­ings

In last dec­ade we have been 22 times in China to do meas­ure­ments and work­shops dur­ing the con­struc­tion of the first Pass­ive Houses in China. We have seen, that it is pos­sible to ob­tain very good res­ults. These good res­ults are ne­ces­sary for the func­tion of these build­ings. But we have also seen, that we need to up­skill all people who are in­volved in the value chain of con­struc­tion.

Mi­chael Mey­er-Ol­ber­sleben

2:45 pm

Con­struc­tion con­trol and en­ergy con­sump­tion func­tion­ing in ren­ov­a­tion pro­ject of Pass­ive ul­tra-low en­ergy green build­ings - with Land­sea Huabei Pass­ive House ex­per­i­en­ce cen­ter as an ex­ample
被动式超低能耗绿色建筑改造项目的施 工控制与能耗运行

This pa­per fo­cuses on the ex­ist­ing build­ings, how to real­ize the ren­ov­a­tion of pass­ive low-en­ergy build­ings. From the as­pect of con­struc­tion and func­tion­ing, the pa­per will in­tro­duce and ana­lyze the dif­fer­ent build­ing parts’ con­struc­tion and ana­lyze en­ergy con­sump­tion func­tion­ing through the ac­tu­al use of the build­ing.

Bai Yu (白羽)

3:10 pm

Prac­tice and thoughts on whole-pro­cess qual­ity con­trol of ul­tra-low en­ergy pass­ive build­ings in China

This pa­per in­tro­duces the de­vel­op­ment status of the pass­ive ul­tra-low en­ergy build­ings in China. It ex­plains how good plan­ning and high qual­ity con­struc­tion of pass­ive low en­ergy build­ings in China can be en­sured and pro­poses re­com­mend­a­tions for the large-scale and high qual­ity de­vel­op­ment of pass­ive low en­ergy build­ings in China.

Mengy­ue Peng (彭梦月)

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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish/Chinese