Get­ting there

How to get to the 23rd In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce Ven­ue



China In­ter­na­tion­al Win­door City
No.1 Dong­fang Road
Gaobeidi­an City
Hebei Province


By plane

Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port is situ­ated about 120 kilo­met­ers from the ven­ue.
Par­ti­cipants ar­riv­ing by air­plane at Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port can reach the ven­ue either by train (Beijingxi train sta­tion, 45 kilo­met­ers away from Beijing Cap­it­al in­ter­na­tion­al Air­port) or by taxi (about 2 hours). For fur­ther in­struc­tion please read the de­scrip­tions be­low. We do not re­com­mend to take the bus be­cause it will take more than 2 hours.


By Train (from Bejingxi Train Sta­tion)

Please note that there is no train sta­tion at the Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port. You may take the Air­port Shuttle Bus Line 7 or a taxi to Beijingxi (Beijing West) Rail­way Sta­tion and trans­fer to high-speed rail (G Train) to Gaobeidi­an East Rail­way Sta­tion. When you ar­rive at Gaobeidi­an East Rail­way Sta­tion take the Bus No1 or No2 or a taxi to China In­ter­na­tion­al Win­door City. In­clud­ing the trans­fer from the air­port this will take you about 1 hr 40 minutes.

There are vari­ous types of train in China and we re­com­mend the G Train. The G Train is a high-speed train and is one of the fast­est, most com­fort­able trains in China, with a speed of 250–400 km/h.


How to buy the train tick­et

Train Price
The tick­et price of a high speed train is ap­prox­im­ately CNY 37.50 -119.50 (€ 5.00-19.00) and de­pends on the seat type you choose - please see the table be­low.

1. Onsite pur­chase
You can buy your tick­et dir­ec­tly from the train tick­et of­fice at Ter­min­al 2 or Ter­min­al 3 at Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port. Train tick­et of­fice pur­chases will cost an ex­tra CNY 5 (€ 0.50 - 0.60) for agency fee.

2. On­line Re­ser­va­tion
You may book the tick­et 18 days in ad­vance through the of­fi­cial book­ing web­site: and col­lect the tick­et with your pass­port and book­ing con­firm­a­tion num­ber at the tick­et of­fice at Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port.

Train seat price

Seat type Price (CNY) Price (Euro)
2nd class seat CNY 37.50 € 5.00
1st class seat CNY 60.50 € 8.10
Bisi­ness class seat CNY 119.50 € 18.85


Ref­er­en­ce: Se­cur­ity check!
Please note that there is a se­cur­ity check, in­clud­ing full-body scan­ners and x-rays of checked in lug­gage at the en­trance of the train sta­tion. At the en­trance, you will also be asked to show your Pass­port and tick­et. Please be sure to ar­rive at the train sta­tion 30-60 minutes be­fore de­par­ture.


By Taxi (from Bejing air­port)

Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port is served by well-con­nec­ted ex­press­ways, con­nect­ing to vari­ous main free­ways to your fi­nal des­tin­a­tion.

Taxi Route
Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port – China in­ter­na­tion­al Win­door City (120 km, 100 mins)

You can find a wait­ing taxi out­side at Ter­min­al 1/Ter­min­al 2 at the ground floor and Ter­min­al 3 at the un­der­ground floor.

Please note:
most taxi drivers in Beijing speak al­most no Eng­lish and you need to write your des­tin­a­tion in Man­dar­in. The Man­dar­in ad­dress is: 2019 国际被动房大会 ; 地址: 中国国际门窗城, 河北省高碑店市东方路1号

You can take a taxi from Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port along the Air­port Ex­press­way to Beijing Ex­press­way S50 and con­nect to Jing­shi Ex­press­way(G4). Exit the ex­press­way at the south of Gaobeidi­an to reach China In­ter­na­tion­al Win­door City.

Taxi charge
The taxi charge from Beijing Cap­it­al In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port to China In­ter­na­tion­al Win­door City is about CNY 400-500, so € 55.00 - 70.00.

From the hotel to the ven­ue

Par­ti­cipants who have booked a con­fer­en­ce tick­et in­clud­ing hotel can take the shuttle bus from their hotel to the ven­ue. There will also be a shuttle bus from the air­port to the hotel. More in­form­a­tion to fol­low.


By train from Europe

A group from Europe will travel by train to the Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Gaobeidi­an.

More information



