
Ex­cur­si­ons in Gao­bei­di­an and the sur­round­ing area - fully booked!

On Fri­day, 11th Oc­to­ber 2019, con­fer­en­ce par­ti­ci­pants will ha­ve the op­por­tun­ity to tour Pass­ive Hou­se build­ings.

The ex­cur­si­ons are in­clu­ded in the con­fer­en­ce tick­et.

All ex­cur­si­ons in­clu­de the tour it­self in eit­her Eng­lish or Chi­ne­se with trans­la­ti­on in­to Eng­lish as well as a small me­al and drinks.

Space is lim­ited. You can se­lect at most one ex­cur­si­on.

Meet­ing point:
North Square of Hall B1, Win­door City.



Ex­cur­si­on 1 | Bahn­stadt Gao­bei­di­an

Fri­day, 11 Oc­to­ber 2019 | 08:30am (Sub­ject to change)

Vis­it the Pass­ive Hou­se dis­trict in Bahn­stadt Gao­bei­di­an
in­clud­ing mul­ti-sto­rey apart­ment build­ings and the Pass­ive Hou­se mu­se­um!

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Ex­cur­si­on 2 | Bei­jing (TBA)

Fri­day, 11 Oc­to­ber 2019 | 08:30am

Vis­it Pass­ive Hou­se build­ings in Bei­jing!


Ex­cur­si­on 3 |Zhuoz­hou

Fri­day, 11 Oc­to­ber 2019 | 08:30am

Vis­it an of­fi­ce build­ing in Zhuoz­hou! 

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Ex­cur­si­on 4 |Baod­ing re­gion

Fri­day, 11 Oc­to­ber 2019 | 08:30am

Vis­it Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­jects in Bao­ding re­gion! 

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Pass­ive House Open Days Tour:

Op­tion­al; start­ing Monday 14 Oc­to­ber­2019 after the con­fer­en­ce. Find more in­form­a­tion about the Pass­ive House open days.