
Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion | 9 to 11 Oc­to­ber 2019 | Gaobeidi­an, China




The Win­door City con­sists of 10 ex­hib­i­tion halls with a total of 100,000m2 of ex­hib­i­tion space. With more than a thou­sand com­pan­ies from over 20 coun­tries, Win­door City provides a plat­form for mu­tu­al ex­change and present­a­tion of new products and tech­niques in China. There are cur­rently 112 in­ter­na­tion­al and 300+ Chinese com­pan­ies based here.

Open­ing hours:

Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019 (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)

Thursday, 10 Oc­to­ber 2019 (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)

Fri­day, 11 Oc­to­ber 2019 (8:00 am - 2:00 pm)


The In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce this year takes place out­side of Europe for the first time and brings us to Gaobeidi­an in China, which lies around 100 kilo­metres south of the Chinese cap­it­al of Beijing! Among oth­er things, a Pass­ive House set­tle­ment is cur­rently be­ing built in Gaobeidi­an which, after com­ple­tion, will be the  largest en­ergy ef­fi­cient set­tle­ment in the world. The con­fer­en­ce and the ex­hib­i­tion will take place in the middle of the in­ter­n­at­in­oal Win-Door-Fest­iv­al tak­ing place in the Win­door City.


Win­door City is part of a tech­no­logy park which was built to pro­mote en­ergy ef­fi­ciency in the con­struc­tion in­dustry. The park forms the basis for the con­struc­tion in­dustry with ref­er­en­ce to the de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of com­pon­ents, pro­fes­sion­al train­ing and sci­en­tif­ic edu­ca­tion.



Our ex­hib­it­ors

Here you find the ex­hib­it­ors in 2019

Take a look at the latest building materials, technologies and their functionalities, as well as the latest Passive House components that you can integrate into your next construction project.

At the Passive House Exhibition you will meet market leaders for energy efficient construction, whose products you can compare directly and choose for your project.

Are you looking for individual solutions for your construction project? At the Passive House Exhibition, you have the opportunity to select suitable products directly with the manufacturers according to your needs.  



Chi­na In­ter­na­tio­nal Win­door Fes­ti­val
No.1 Dong­fang Road
Gao­bei­di­an Ci­ty
He­bei Pro­vin­ce