Ses­sion 3

Ses­sion 3: Vent­il­a­tion con­cepts 

Room 5 - Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 1:30 pm

Ti­me Top­ic Speak­er

1:30 pm

In­nov­at­ive strategy for ret­ro­fit­ting high rise so­cial hous­ing build­ing stock at a ter­rit­ori­al scale: the case study of Torri Madonna Bi­anca – Trento (Italy)

This pa­per will dis­cuss the solu­tions and chal­lenges in­volved in ret­ro­fit­ting 3 towers loc­ated in the mod­ern­ist so­cial hous­ing dis­trict of Madonna Bi­anca in Trento, Italy. Res­ults will show a rad­ic­al re­duc­tion in terms of en­ergy con­sump­tion and a sig­ni­fic­ant im­prove­ment of liv­ing com­fort.

An­drea Bom­bas­aro

1:55 pm

Vent­il­a­tion, Heat­ing and DHW pre­par­a­tion with de­cent­ral com­pact heat pumps

For multi-fam­ily build­ings a com­plete ren­ov­a­tion in­clud­ing con­ver­sion to cent­ral heat­ing sys­tems is of­ten not pos­sible. Very com­pact heat pumps are de­ve­loped that can be in­teg­rated in­to the win­dow para­pet or in­to a pre­fab­ric­ated tim­ber façade. The wall in­teg­ra­tion has a high po­ten­tial in pre­fab­ric­a­tion and leads to an op­tim­al solu­tion for small apart­ments.

Wolfgang Feist, Fa­bi­an Ochs

2:20 pm

Re­search on air dis­tri­bu­tion of all-in-one HVAC sys­tems based on Air­pak sim­u­la­tion

One of the ne­ces­sary con­di­tions for pass­ive houses is the en­vir­on­ment all-in-one HVAC sys­tem with the heat re­cov­ery func­tion. This pa­per sim­u­lates the air­flow dis­tri­bu­tion of the en­vir­on­ment all-in-one HVAC sys­tem by means of Air­pak 3.0.16 soft­ware.

 Xing Wei(魏兴)

2:45 pm

Col­lab­or­at­ive Design and Re­search of Fresh Air Vent­il­a­tion Sys­tem and Ex­haust Sys­tem for Kit­chen and Bath­room in Pass­ive House 
被动房新⻛净化空调系统和厨卫排⻛系 统的协同设计及研究

This pa­per fo­cuses on the in­flu­en­ce of heat and en­ergy vent­il­a­tion units on hu­mid­ity and clean­li­ness man­age­ment of ex­haust air ducts in the Long­for Rail­way City Pass­ive House pro­ject. It shows that en­ergy re­cov­ery has a bet­ter per­form­ance than heat re­cov­ery, which can re­duce the hy­giene risks

Fanxuan Xia

3:10 pm

Vent­il­a­tion+AC design lay­out for apart­ments in (Chinese) cool­ing cli­mates

Highly-ef­fi­cient heat ex­changers and fans are in­dis­pens­able for highly ef­fi­cient vent­il­a­tion units. Oth­er as­pects must be paid at­ten­tion to as well: good air­tight­ness, well-in­su­lated cas­ing, hy­giene through fil­ter, bal­anced air­flow, prop­er con­dens­ate wa­ter drain, good ac­cess­ib­il­ity of com­pon­ents and unit for main­ten­ance to ex­clude per­form­ance gap.

Ber­thold Kaufmann, Huijun Ji­ang

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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­ti­on in­to Eng­lish/Chi­ne­se