Ses­sion 1

Ses­sion 1: China: Non-res­id­en­tial Pass­ive House pro­jects

Room 3 - Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 1:30 pm

Time Top­ic Speak­er                 

1:30 pm

Share of case of first Premi­um Pass­ive House in China

This pa­per briefly de­scribes the cal­cu­la­tion pro­cess of PHPP and how to achieve the first Premi­um grade Pass­ive House in China by op­tim­iz­ing doors and win­dows, thermal in­su­la­tion, thermal bridges, fresh air sys­tem, heat pumps and re­new­able en­ergy re­sources. The pa­per also elab­or­ates the dif­fer­en­ces between PHI stand­ard and the cal­cu­la­tion meth­ods for glass para­met­ers and the test meth­ods for fresh air sys­tem in China.

Yang Ming

1:55 pm

Pass­ive House ex­per­i­en­ce from South China

Through reg­u­lar con­sul­ta­tions and joint vis­its of the ex­e­cu­tion with the Pass­ive House build­ing cer­ti­fi­er Ing. Daw­id Michulec, a very good qual­ity of ex­e­cu­tion could be guar­an­teed for both pro­jects. Mon­it­or­ing sys­tems were in­stalled in both pro­jects to op­tim­ally reg­u­late en­ergy con­sump­tion and com­fort.

Daw­id Michulec

2:20 pm

R&D Centre Hebei Academy of Build­ing Re­search 

The Hebei Academy of Build­ing Re­search Centre is the first com­pleted large-scale non res­id­en­tial pro­ject in the field of Sino-Ger­man co­op­er­a­tion of low-en­ergy pass­ive house. The build­ing is the first of the dena Sino-Ger­man En­ergy Ef­fi­cient non-res­id­en­tial build­ings in China, com­pleted end of 2014.

Tian Shuhui (田树辉)

2:45 pm

Re­search on key tech­no­lo­gies for pass­ive ul­tra-low en­ergy con­sump­tion in China’s Cent­ral Plains re­gion

This pa­per mainly stud­ies the key tech­no­lo­gies for pass­ive ul­tra-low en­ergy con­sump­tion in cent­ral China. The pa­per ana­lyzes the pro­cess of air­tight­ness de­tec­tion, and reaches a con­clu­sion that the en­ergy-sav­ing rate of the ver­tic­al louvre shad­ing com­pared with no shad­ing is up to 1.52%, and ex­hib­its the best ef­fect­ive­ness at the angle of in­clin­a­tion of 0°.

Yingy­ing Li (李莹莹 )

3:10 pm

from 0 to 1 从0到1

This pa­per fo­cuses on the de­vel­op­ment of Pass­ive House in China, start­ing from noth­ing, and then to a com­pre­hens­ive pro­mo­tion. Pro­jects throughout China's 22 provinces and cit­ies are sup­por­ted by the rel­ev­ant gov­ern­ment de­part­ments in or­der to en­cour­age the de­vel­op­ment of pass­ive house.

Bintao Deng(邓滨涛)


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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish/Chinese