Plen­ary | Wed­nes­day morn­ing

Plen­ary of the Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce

Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 9:30 am


Time Top­ic/Speak­er Top­ic                                               




plenum_IMG_5783_weizsaecker_klein.JPG Ernst Ul­rich von Weiz­säck­er

"Come on"

Born in 1939, Pro­fess­or Ernst Ul­rich von Weiz­säck­er is one of the pi­on­eers of sus­tain­able busi­ness prac­tices. Von Weiz­säck­er has been a mem­ber of the Club of Rome, an in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary al­li­ance of sci­ent­ists for the great­er good of hu­man­ity, since 1992. To en­sure that hu­man­ity's fu­ture can be sus­tained, this or­gan­isa­tion stud­ies the mega­trends in hu­man­ity's his­tory. Between 2012 and 2017 von Weiz­säck­er served as vice pres­id­ent and, since 2018, as the or­gan­isa­tion's hon­or­ary pres­id­ent. Cel­eb­rat­ing its 50th an­niversary in 2018, the Club of Rome pub­lished a new re­port titled "Come On". In it, von Weiz­säck­er calls for a "new en­light­en­ment", a new mode of think­ing for our world, which fi­nally fo­cuses on bal­ance, sta­bil­ity and eco­lo­gic­al res­tor­a­tion.

  2cff3958-c051-4b46-989a-1a0f53e9bd26.jpg klein.jpg Hou Li´an

„In­door air qual­ity con­trol for a healthy China“

Hou Li'an, born on Au­gust 24, 1957 in Xuzhou, Ji­angsu Province, is an En­vir­on­ment­al En­gin­eer­ing Spe­cial­ist. In 2009, he was rated as Aca­dem­i­cian of Chinese Academy of En­gin­eer­ing. Hou Li'an has long ded­ic­ated him­self to sci­en­tif­ic re­search, en­gin­eer­ing design and tech­nic­al man­age­ment work in the field of en­vir­on­ment­al con­struc­tion.


IMG_2520_Diana_Ürge_Vorsatz_cPHI_klein.jpg Di­ana Ürge-Vor­satz

"IP­CC re­port 2018/2019 - A sum­mary"

The work of Di­ana Ürge-Vor­satz centres on the re­duc­tion of car­bon emis­sions from build­ings and cit­ies and its im­port­ance in the con­text of cli­mate change. She is one of the main con­trib­ut­ors to the IP­CC Spe­cial Re­port - Glob­al Warm­ing of 1,5° (2018). In Gaobeidi­an, she will ex­pand on parts of the re­port and provide in­sights in­to the new­est find­ings in her re­search.



P1030387_Wolfgang_cPHI.jpg Wolfgang Feist

"Pass­ive House – build­ing healthy, com­fort­able and sus­tain­able con­struc­tions glob­ally"

The Pass­ive House Stand­ard presents a tan­gible ex­ample for this very concept: Here, we have a way of provid­ing com­fort­able liv­ing space for every­one on the plan­et, re­gard­less of where they are loc­ated.



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