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Ses­sion 10

Ses­si­on 10: Com­pon­ents for Ret­ro­fits

Sat­urday, 11th March 2023, Stu­dio Ter­ras­se

In Wies­ba­den with live broad­cast­ing for par­ti­cipants

Ger­man/Eng­lish ses­sion; Ger­man present­a­tions will be trans­lated in­to Eng­lish by our live in­ter­pret­ers

Time (CET) Lec­ture Speak­er         
10.45 am Wel­come
Laszlo Lepp | Passivhaus Institut
10.50 am

Su­stai­na­ble, En­er­gy and Car­bon Po­si­ti­ve Re­vi­ta­li­za­ti­on of a School in Prague

In­nov­at­ive light­weight tim­ber cur­tain wall facade called EN­VILOP was used for the first time as part of the deep ren­ov­a­tion of the smart, sus­tain­able, se­cure, op­er­a­tion­ally en­ergy and car­bon pos­it­ive school build­ing.  

Jiri Tencar | ECOTEN s.r.o.
11.05 am

All-Round De­ve­lop­ment and De­mons­tra­ti­on of a Mi­cro-Sca­le He­at Pump for Re­no­va­ted Buil­dings

A faça­de-in­te­gra­ted he­at pump can be ad­op­ted in se­ri­al re­no­va­ti­ons to sup­ply space hea­ting and hot wa­ter, but its ap­p­li­ca­bi­li­ty de­pends on the re­no­va­ti­on depth and on the de­li­ve­ry sys­tem. Ad­di­tio­nal im­pro­ve­ments in the per­for­man­ce are pos­si­ble through op­ti­mi­zed con­trol and im­pro­ved in­su­la­ti­on.

William Monteleone | Universität Innsbruck
11.20 am

He­ri­ta­ge for the Fu­ture: In­te­gra­ting En­er­PHit to Seis­mic Up­gra­des of His­to­ric Buil­dings

The in­teg­ra­tion of En­erPHit with seis­mic strength­en­ing of his­tor­ic build­ings is in­vest­ig­ated with three case stud­ies in Aotearoa New Zea­l­and. The com­bin­a­tion of dif­fer­ent con­struc­tion sys­tems is in­vest­ig­ated and dis­cussed, fo­cus­ing on Un­rein­forced Ma­sonry (URM) build­ings.

Priscilla Besen | Auckland University of Technology
11.35 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  
11.55 am

DIY - En­ergy ef­fi­ciency made easy! Im­prove­ment of win­dows

Part 1: The en­ergy de­mand of build­ings can be re­duced with DIY meas­ures. In a pro­ject fun­ded by the state of Hesse, the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te is work­ing with its part­ners LEA Hessen and En­ergy Sav­ing Com­mis­sion­er Karsten Her­bert to de­vel­op easy-to-fol­low and safe in­struc­tions for re­du­cing en­ergy de­mand in build­ings in a cost-ef­fect­ive and sus­tain­able way. 

Benjamin Krick | Passivhaus Institut
12.10 pm

DIY - En­ergy ef­fi­ciency made easy! In­su­lat­ing roofs and walls

Part 2: The en­ergy de­mand of build­ings can be re­duced with DIY meas­ures. In a pro­ject fun­ded by the state of Hesse, the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te is work­ing with its part­ners LEA Hessen and En­ergy Sav­ing Com­mis­sion­er Karsten Her­bert to de­vel­op easy-to-fol­low and safe in­struc­tions for re­du­cing en­ergy de­mand in build­ings in a cost-ef­fect­ive and sus­tain­able way. 

Johannes Seibert & Benjamin Krick| Passivhaus Institut
12.25 pm

DIY - En­ergy ef­fi­ciency made easy! Im­prove­ment of HVAC sys­tems

Part 3: The en­ergy de­mand of build­ings can be re­duced with DIY meas­ures. In a pro­ject fun­ded by the state of Hesse, the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te is work­ing with its part­ners LEA Hessen and En­ergy Sav­ing Com­mis­sion­er Karsten Her­bert to de­vel­op easy-to-fol­low and safe in­struc­tions for re­du­cing en­ergy de­mand in build­ings in a cost-ef­fect­ive and sus­tain­able way. 

Benjamin Krick | Passivhaus Institut

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