Passive House Exhibition 10 -11 March 2023 in Wiesbaden | Germany

Opening hours:
The Passive House Exhibition will be opened for visitors on 10th and 11th March 2023. Entrance is free!
Friday: 8.30 am – 7 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 6.30 pm
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Participate in our prize draw and look forward to amazing prizes!
- 1st prize: A plug-in solar device (to be collected in D-64380 Roßdorf)
- 2nd and 3rd prize: A voucher for an overnight stay for two people at one of the Passivhaus-Explorer-Hotels in the Alps - to be used depending on availability (excluding transfer)
- 4th prize: A PH-themed deck chair
- And many more: 1x PHPP, 1x designPH, 1x e-learning PH basics, 1x PHPP booklet, 1x Architecture Prize Book
Thanks to the kind support of:
The Passive House Exhibition has always been an essential part of the International Passive House Conference and this fact remains unchanged in 2023.
Following two years of "online" exhibitions during the pandemic, we are now more than happy to announce that the next Passive House Exhibition will take place live again in the RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden, Germany from 10th to 11th March 2023. We are looking forward to finally meeting you in person again!
Be quick, there are only a few booths spaces left!
Our exhibitors
Take a look at the latest building materials, technologies and their functionalities, as well as the latest Passive House components that you can integrate into your next construction project.
At the Passive House Exhibition you will meet market leaders for energy efficient construction, whose products you can compare directly and choose for your project.
Are you looking for individual solutions for your construction project? At the Passive House Exhibition, you have the opportunity to select suitable products directly with the manufacturers according to your needs.
Look forward to informative guided tours in the exhibition hall!
You can book your space in one of our free expert-guided tours in our ticket shop.
The following time slots are available:
- Friday, 10th March at 4 pm
- Saturday, 11th March at 2.30 pm
These tours are also suitable for students.