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out­PHIt: Fast and de­ep buil­ding re­no­va­ti­on

Thurday, March 9th 2023, 2.30 pm - 6 pm, at PHI in Darm­stadt, in Eng­lish


This workshop will introduce to specific questions around fast and deep energy retrofits. What is the current ambition of EU policy and your member state, how does the EnerPHit standard fit in and what are its advantages? Which factors to consider when deciding for either conventional or pre-fabricated renovation approaches? What are design recommendations for the building envelope and the implementation of mechanical equipment? How to assess renewable energy gains including batteries or embodied energy using new PHPP-add-on-tools developed in outPHit? Part of the workshop will be hands-on exercises with PHPP, a free license of the tool is thereby included in the workshop participation.












Work­shop par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fees
Regular:               240€ (incl. VAT)
Students:            120€ (incl. VAT)

iPHA Members receive 25% Discount

out­PHIt: Sim­pli­fied mo­ni­to­ring con­cept, ve­ri­fied per­for­man­ce cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and re­sults eva­lua­ti­on

Thursday, March 9th 2023, 2.30 pm - 6 pm, at PHI in Darm­stadt, in Eng­lish



Join this workshop to learn about the simplified monitoring concept that was developed in the EU funded project outPHit. Which sensors can be used, which data is processed and how? What ist he concept behind the connection of sensors and smart meters to the PHI-database and how does the Verified-Performance-Certification work? How to evaluate the buildings performance after the construction or renovation using the PHPP monitoring worksheet? This workshop will give detailed insights into the details of the simplified monitoring approach and the training materials developed Part of the workshop will be hands-on exercises with PHPP, a free license of the tool is thereby included in the workshop participation.












Work­shop par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fees
Regular:               240€ (incl. VAT)
Students:            120€ (incl. VAT)

iPHA Members receive 25% Discount