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Build­ing Tours

This year we again provide in­sights in­to cur­rent pass­ive house pro­jects that have been built!

The build­ing tours are of­fer­ed in Ger­man with Eng­lish trans­la­tion. Each tour starts at 9 am in front of the Rhein­Main Con­gress­Cen­ter in Wies­baden and ends there at about 5 pm. The tour tick­ets in­clude lunch as well as the bus trans­fer from the Rhein­Main Con­gress­Cen­ter to the dif­fer­ent build­ings and back (Ex­cep­tion: Tour 5 is an on foot tour!).




Tour 1: Schools in Weit­er­stadt & Raunheim (Hes­sen­wald­schu­le, Al­brecht-Dü­rer-Schu­le, Astrid-Lind­gren-Schu­le, An­ne-Frank-Schu­le)  Tan­ja Schulz, Oli­ver Ot­tin­ger, Mo­ni­ka Kurz
Tour 2: Heidel­berg Bahn­stadt Robert Per­sch, Wieb­ke Großkopf
Tour 3: Frank­furt am Main (Hos­pit­al Höchst, Gym Schil­ler­schu­le Sach­sen­hau­sen, Zie­hen­schu­le Es­chers­heim and So­phi­en­hö­fe Bo­ck­en­heim) An­dre­as Scha­blitz­ki, Bert­hold­ Kauf­mann, Chris­ti­an Knecht, Oli­ver Sei­del, among oth­ers
Tour 4: Darm­stadt (Ex­amples for Wohnquart­i­er K6, Elisa­beth-Haus Roß­dorf, Kun­stde­pot and Passivhaus Sozi­alPlus) Georg Zielke, Mark Großk­los, among oth­ers
Tour 5: Wies­baden (ON FOOT: A-Z Ar­chi­tects busi­ness build­ing, Min­istry of fin­ances from the out­side and more ob­jects to fol­low) Hol­ger Zi­m­mer, among oth­ers


Pass­ive House stand­ard in the Rhein­Main Area...

Book your tickets now!


Albrecht-Dürer-School Weiterstadt, Photo (c) LaDaDi



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