Ses­sion 7

Ses­si­on 7: Chi­na: Im­ple­ment­ing Pass­ive Hou­se

Room 4 - Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 4:00 pm

Ti­me Top­ic Speak­er

4:00 pm

Key points of Pass­ive House design and con­struc­tion con­trol from de­ve­loper's per­spect­ive - Take Gaobeidi­an Rail­way-City pro­ject as an ex­ample

In Gaobeidi­an Train New Town Pro­ject, Long­for Group has sum­mar­ized a set of con­trol points for the Pass­ive House design through con­tinu­ous ex­plor­a­tion, hop­ing to provide some guid­ance for the Own­er’s man­age­ment of Pass­ive House pro­jects in the fu­ture.

Kong Lin­chen 孔令晨

4:25 pm

Tech­no­logy and ap­plic­a­tion ana­lys­is of pre­fab­ric­ated ul­tra-low-en­ergy build­ings in cold areas

The heat trans­fer coef­fi­cient of pre­fab­ric­ated sand­wich in­su­la­tion wall board can meet the re­quire­ment of less than 0.15 W/(m2·K) when the an­chor made of GFRP ma­ter­i­al are placed in the middle with in­su­la­tion of 200~300mm.


4:50 pm

Ger­man Pass­ive House tech­no­logy “Chinese re-in­nov­a­tion”

With the de­vel­op­ment of China's con­struc­tion in­dustry and the pop­ular­iz­a­tion of new na­tion­al codes, more and more Pass­ive Houses will be built in dif­fer­ent cli­mate zones in China. As more and more ex­per­i­en­ced pro­fes­sion­als con­tin­ue to work in the field of Pass­ive Houses, there will be more new dir­ec­tions and bet­ter loc­al­ized tech­nic­al solu­tions for the re-in­nov­a­tion of Pass­ive Houses in China.

潘向辉 / Xi­ang­hui Pan

5:15 pm

Let Con­struc­tion of Pass­ive Houses Be­come “Non-pass­ive“

This pa­per de­mon­strates the in­flu­en­ces of design on eco­nomy of the Pass­ive House pro­jects with the pro­ject cases, ex­plains the mis­un­der­stand­ing to the Pass­ive Houses and its design, and calls on every­one to re­gard the Pass­ive Houses ra­tion­ally.

牟裕 Mou Yu

5:40 pm

Re­search on Pass­ive House thermal bridge free design - tak­ing the Pass­ive House res­id­en­tial ex­ten­sion and de­mon­stra­tion com­mu­nity pro­ject in Sino-Ger­man Eco­park as an ex­ample


5:45 pm

Dis­cus­si­on on de­sign of pas­si­ve ul­tra-low en­er­gy buil­ding ba­sed on per­for­man­ce mea­su­re­ments

The pass­ive ul­tra-low en­ergy build­ing can im­prove the build­ing en­ergy-sav­ing per­form­ance in China. However, the rel­ev­ant stand­ar­ds of design and con­struc­tion are dis­tempered. Based on the tech­nic­al stand­ar­ds at home and abroad, the prac­tice and per­form­ance test of pass­ive ul­tra-low-en­ergy build­ings in Shan­dong Province will be dis­cussed.

Qi Li 李琪

5:50 pm

Ana­lys­is of thermal bridges of door and win­dow open­ings in the walls of Pass­ive ul­tra-low en­ergy Build­ings

Fun­an Zhang(张福南)
5:55 pm Ana­lys­is for out­door air sys­tem he­at re­cov­ery of com­mer­ci­al Pass­ive Hou­se
Wen Tao(文韬)
6:00 pm

PHI cer­ti­fied steel precast con­struc­tion sys­tems

In three years R&D peri­od, the cur­rent precast build­ing en­vel­op sys­tem has been op­tim­ized by Dena, thermal bridges in all im­port­ant de­tails have been cal­cu­lated by PHI. The Sd value has been tested and the hy­gro­therm­al sim­u­la­tion has been made by Frauen­hofer In­sti­tu­te. Such a precast build­ing sys­tem as a res­ult has been cer­ti­fic­ated by PHI in 2019.

Yu Chuai 揣雨
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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­ti­on in­to Eng­lish/Chi­ne­se