Ses­sion 6

Ses­sion 6: Pro­jects in Heat­ing Cli­mates

Room 3 - Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 4:00 pm

Time Top­ic Speak­er

4:00 pm

The Val­leyview Town Hall: En­ergy ef­fi­ciency in the Ca­na­di­an sub­arc­tic

The Val­leyview Town Hall sets an ex­ample of a fisc­ally and en­vir­on­ment­ally re­spons­ible ap­proach to new mu­ni­cip­al build­ings in north­ern Canada. This case study de­scribes the chal­lenges over­come by the mu­ni­cip­al­ity and design team to meet the Pass­ive House stand­ard in the Ca­na­di­an sub­arc­tic.

Oscar Fle­chas

4:25 pm

Pass­ive houses for act­ive stu­dents - provid­ing know­ledge about eco-ef­fi­cient build­ings

It is the aim of the Oe­AD-Hous­ing Of­fice to con­vey know­ledge about eco-friendly build­ing to fu­ture gen­er­a­tions and to of­fer the highest pos­sible stand­ard of liv­ing with the low­est en­vir­on­ment­al im­pact. This pa­per high­lights two Oe­AD-Gues­t­houses in Vi­enna and Leo­ben.

Thomas Lebinger

4:50 pm

The im­pact of ther­mal bridges in re­in­for­ced-con­cre­te mul­ti-fa­mi­ly hou­se and high-ri­se pro­jects

An ev­al­u­ation of the heat losses caused by typ­ic­al thermal bridges in a re­in­forced-con­crete build­ing and their im­pact on the en­ergy bal­ance was con­duc­ted for a 5-storey and a 15-storey build­ing. The ana­lysed thermal bridges can be re­duced though flank­ing in­su­la­tion, punc­tu­al pen­et­ra­tions or thermal breaks.

Maria Chiara Failla

5:15 pm

Real­iz­ing the eco­lo­gic­al civil­isa­tion

Us­ing typ­ic­al ex­amples, this present­a­tion shows that through the pass­ive house concept and en­ergy gen­er­a­tion, the goals of an “eco­lo­gic­al civil­isa­tion” can be suc­cess­fully achieved today. Sub­se­quent mon­it­or­ing proved the work­ab­il­ity of en­ergy pro­du­cing and eco­lo­gic­al pass­ive houses.

Georg Re­in­berg

5:40 pm

Pass­ive house school in the north­ern part of Den­mark: 7 years’ con­sump­tion be­low PHPP cal­cu­lated val­ues.

Gaps between cal­cu­lated and meas­ured en­ergy de­mand of more than 100% have been ques­tion­ing the value of cal­cu­lated en­ergy build­ing design [Gram-Hansen,2016]. 7 years of mon­it­or­ing the Pass­ive House school show no re­bound ef­fect. Also PHPP stand­ard weath­er data is still “on the safe side”.

Søren Di­etz

5:45 pm

Pass­ive House goes to work: A com­mer­cial of­fice case study

The Charter Tele­com build­ing, the first Pass­ive House of­fice in West­ern Canada and first en­gin­eered mass tim­ber build­ing in our re­gion, is presen­ted as a case study in ap­ply­ing the Pass­ive House stand­ard to non-res­id­en­tial build­ings in the con­text of North-West­ern North Amer­ica.

Graeme Ver­hulst

5:50 pm

Veri­fied suc­cess­ful air­tight­ness ap­proaches in the US and the PNW

Se­lec­tion of a spe­cif­ic air-bar­ri­er sys­tem alone, does not guar­an­tee the whole build­ing air-tight­ness will be Pass­ive House level. Strict qual­ity con­trol is still re­quired dur­ing the course of con­struc­tion. Test­ing pri­or to con­ceal­ing air-bar­ri­er com­pon­ents, are vi­tal to en­sure suc­cess­ful ex­e­cu­tion.

Alex Boet­zel
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