Ses­sion 14

Ses­sion 14: Pro­ject Mon­it­or­ing and Res­ults

Room 7 - Thursday, 10 Oc­to­ber 2019, 11:30 am

Time Top­ic Speak­er

11:30 am

Keep­ing over­heat­ing cool

This pa­per presents pass­ive and act­ive cool­ing strategies for Passivhaus build­ings in warm and hot cli­mates. Pass­ive strategies in­clude the ori­ent­a­tion and geo­metry of the build­ing, win­dows, shad­ing devices, thermal mass, dense in­su­la­tion and sum­mer vent­il­a­tion. Act­ive HVLS fans are not con­sidered with­in the PHPP but can im­prove the in­door cli­mate with little en­ergy in­put.

Je­sus Men­en­dez

11:55 am

Meas­ured data of the pass­ive town phase 3 in Kur­obe

Apart­ment units of the Pass­ive Town Phase 3 Build­ing J with En­erPHit cert. have been mon­itored for a year. Its en­ergy con­sump­tion and in­door cli­mate shows that cool­ing en­ergy would not in­crease, if the air-con­di­tion­er is run­ning con­stantly.

Mi­wa Mori

12:20 pm

Pi­lot pass­ive house in UAE - res­ults from mon­it­or­ing

An im­port­ant fea­ture of the very first PH in UAE is the mon­it­or­ing sys­tem that al­lows to veri­fy cru­cial para­met­ers, such as the in­door qual­ity and the en­ergy con­sump­tion. The art­icle shows the res­ults from the mon­it­or­ing over 2017/2018, com­par­ing de­signed and meas­ured val­ues and identi­fy­ing the chances for im­prove­ment for the PH in the very hot cli­mate.

Marco Fil­ippi

12:45 pm

Three years mon­it­or­ing ana­lys­is of two multi-story net zero en­ergy build­ings

Two new multi-fam­ily Pass­ive Houses that aim to achieve net zero en­ergy build­ing (NZEB) stand­ard are mon­itored in Inns­bruck. Mon­it­or­ing res­ults for three years are presen­ted and dis­cussed. The en­ergy per­form­ance is also com­pared with the one cal­cu­lated with PHPP. The im­port­ance of qual­ity as­sur­ance con­trol e.g. with mon­it­or­ing is high­lighted.

Geor­gios Der­mentzis

1:10 pm

Qing­dao PHTEC mon­it­or­ing with­in two years of op­er­a­tion

Mon­it­or­ing dur­ing two years of op­er­a­tion of the Qing­dao PHTEC build­ing shows that op­tim­iz­a­tion of the build­ing ser­vice sys­tems op­er­a­tion strategies could im­prove the en­ergy ef­fi­ciency and keep the av­er­age in­door tem­per­at­ure (23°C) and re­l­at­ive hu­mid­ity (48%) at a con­stant first class com­fort level.

Liu Bin, Ber­thold Kaufmann




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