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Journey by train

A group from Europe will travel by train to the Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Gaobeidi­an.

The back­ground of the train jour­ney is to show that one can travel re­l­at­ively cli­mate friendly from Europe to the Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Gaobeidi­an. The jour­ney time of about 18 days by train can be used to re­flect on mu­tu­al pro­fes­sion­al con­tents, to dis­cuss cli­mate pro­tec­tion as well as ap­proaches to so­cial and per­son­al changes in be­ha­viour, and to de­vel­op new per­spect­ives.

The trip be­gins middle of Septem­ber 2019 in Ber­lin and will con­clude in a timely man­ner, ar­riv­ing in Gaobeidi­an for the Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce 2019. After the con­fer­en­ce there will be some days in Gaobei­bi­an and oth­er des­tin­a­tions in China. On the way there will be stop­overs in Mo­scow, Irkutsk and Lake Baikal, and on the re­turn jour­ney, there will be stop­overs in Nov­os­ibirsk and again Mo­scow. The group reaches Ber­lin in Oc­to­ber 2019.


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