Austria Workshop

Hall 7, Wednesday, 9 October 2019, 1:30 pm
Time | Topic | Speaker |
1:30 pm |
Welcome Address The Republic of Austria is one of the world’s technology leaders in the passive house segment. Ecological innovations like this made in Austria are appreciated internationally to support sustainable urban development. The Republic of Austria would be happy to cooperate with the People’s Republic of China in all areas of environmental protection and renewable energy technologies, especially in the passive house technology sector. |
Chinese Ministry |
1:45 pm |
Austria, Passive House and Reinberg`s Architecture: an evolution 1982-2020 The Austrian architect Georg W. Reinberg looks back to the development of his architectural work. He presents projects which can be seen exemplary for the evolution of the Passive House and it´s technic during this time. He gives also an outlook how could be the new develop in the near future |
Reinberg Georg |
2:00 pm |
Passive houses in social housing and retrofit projects of Sinfonia in Innsbruck/Austri In Innsbruck, Austria many multifamily buildings are built in Passive House standard. Additionally renovation of buildings to very high energetic level has started. Accompanying measurement campaigns show that all comfort criteria are met and the energy consumption is close to the predicted values. |
Wolfgang Streicher |
2:15 pm |
Austrian State Award for Architecture and Sustainability The State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability is one of the highest in Austria. It is characterized by the fact that there are two entirely separate juries. Beauty is as important as sustainability. A building can only receive a state award if it is sustainable AND beautiful. |
Helmut Krapmeier |
2:30 pm |
Awarded Chinese Passive House office buildings and certified supermarkets, student dormitories and hotels from Austria Passive House office buildings, supermarkets, hotels or student dormitories in China and Austria - quality assured and certified residential and non-residential Passive House buildings are a success story of the Passive House Institute in Innsbruck. |
Laszlo Lepp |
2:45 pm |
Lower Austrian state buildings as pioneers of the passivehouse standard In 2008, the Federal State of Lower Austria decided to construct all its state buildings in accordance with the passive house standard. Thus, beacon projects were used to initiate the development of know-how and the gathering of practical experience in the construction industry. The local construction industry was thus able to achieve a competitive advantage. |
Martin Huber |
3:00 pm |
World‘s first plus-energy office high-rise building (Vienna, Austria) In Vienna a former high-rise laboratory building from the 1970s was renovated to an office-building in plus-energy standard (feeding more electricity from PV into the power grid than energy needed for building operation and use). An extreme reduction of energy demand through the optimization of 9,300 components was crucial to achieve this standard. |
Ernst Schriefl |
3:15 pm |
Lessons learned after 5 years of pioneering work in China During the execution of the first certified passive house buildings in the cool temperate north and the first passive house buildings in the humid south as well as the trainings of the most certified passive house planners in the People's Republic of China by Dawid Michulec, NEUBAU many interesting experiences could be gained. |
Dawid Michulec |
3:30 pm |
It's always a question of resources With the establishment of the passivehouse standard and standards that create buildings producing energy it was achieved a lot in terms of resource conservation. The great ecological footprint of the postindustrial states shows us that a huge amount of work has to be put into the further reduction of resource consumption in the construction industry. Newly built projects are still built with building materials that are neither renewable nor easy to recycle. The planning and construction process also happens largely on site. There are many approaches to increase the industrialization processes within the construction sector, that are very much in line with sustainability goals |
Martin Aichholzer |
3:45 pm |
Green Building Solutions for students Organized since 2011, the G.B.S. Summer School provides the alumni (320 from 76 countries so far) the expertise to design a Passive House and to make it the center of a holistic approach that enhances its sustainable features. My talk promotes the duplication of our concept in other countries. |
Thomas Lebinger, Marcello Turrini |
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* Simultaneous translation into English/Chinese