Ses­sion 9

Ses­si­on 9: SIN­FO­NIA - De­ep ret­ro­fits in­ter­na­ti­on­al

Room 6 - Wed­nes­day, 9 Oc­to­ber 2019, 4:00 pm

Ti­me Top­ic Speak­er

4:00 pm

Les­sons from an En­er­PHit In­dus­tri­al Build­ing in Sri Lan­ka

This pa­per will tell the suc­cess story of an out­dated fact­ory in Ka­tunayake, Sri Lanka, that has been ret­ro­fit­ted and turned in­to an En­erPHit cer­ti­fied gar­ment man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­ity by a re­motely col­lab­or­at­ing team of Jordan Parnass Di­git­al Ar­chi­tec­ture, Steven Winter As­so­ci­ates and the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te.

Dra­gosh Ar­nau­tu

4:25 pm

Old Quad - Sig­ni­fic­ant Her­it­age build­ing ret­ro­fit­ting to Pass­ive Hou­se En­er­PHit Stand­ard

The Old Quad pro­ject is the first where the En­erPHit stand­ard has been ap­plied to a sig­ni­fic­ant her­it­age build­ing in Aus­tralia. The ap­plic­a­tion of En­erPHit stand­ar­ds in this her­it­age build­ing de­liv­ers a bal­ance between the her­it­age val­ues and achiev­ing thermal com­fort and eco­nom­ic ef­fi­ciency.

Mi­li­ca Tum­bas

4:50 pm

Com­bin­ing a sys­tem­at­ic ap­proach with fi­nal de­sign be­ne­fits to pass­ive ret­ro­fits

En­gine 16 is an ad­apt­ive re­use of a his­tor­ic fire­house con­ver­ted in­to mul­ti­fam­ily res­id­en­ces with a pub­lic com­mu­nity fa­cil­ity. It’s one of 7 Pass­ive Houses Baxt In­gui has un­der con­struc­tion. We’re ex­cited to share the de­tails, de­cisions, and the sys­tem­at­ic ap­proach used on this unique pro­ject.

Mi­cha­el In­gui

5:15 pm

Build­ing air­tight­ness and Chi­ne­se craft – the Ao’ni Court­yard pro­ject in Son­gy­ang, Chi­na, as an ex­am­ple of how tra­di­ti­on­al tim­ber con­struc­ti­on can ach­ie­ve En­er­PHit

This En­erPHit pro­ject shows how to real­ize the build­ing air tight­ness, and to sub­stan­tially im­prove its thermal per­form­ance, pro­long the ser­vice life of main struc­tures, and tackle the chal­lenge for com­fort and en­ergy con­ser­va­tion, pro­tec­tion and re­use of build­ings in tra­di­tion­al tim­ber struc­ture

Xing Zhao (赵星)
Hsu­a­ny­in Peng (彭宣颖)

5:40 pm

Ca­se stu­dy of a pre-cer­ti­fied step-by-step re­tro­fit to En­er­PHit Stan­dard of a 1950`s buil­ding lo­ca­ted in a cold cli­ma­te zo­ne
The step-by-step ret­ro­fit to the En­er­PHit stand­ard us­ing com­pon­ent meth­od, of a typ­ic­al sol­id brick hou­se built in Ro­ma­nia in the 1950s was pre­sen­ted. Af­ter com­plet­ing the En­er­Phit ret­ro­fit plan the to­tal he­at­ing en­er­gy de­mand of the ex­ist­ing build­ing is re­du­ced by 85%.

Sz­a­bolcs Var­ga

5:45 pm Ret­ro­fit­ting ac­cord­ing to the En­er­PHit Stand­ard in cold cli­ma­te - com­pon­ents
The ob­ject of ret­ro­fit­ting is one of the smal­ler typ­ic­al Nor­we­gi­an woo­den hou­ses from the 60s. Op­tim­al pack­ages of meas­ures, in­clud­ing mech­an­ic­al com­pon­ents, we­re de­term­in­ed us­ing the Pass­ive Hou­se Plan­ning Pack­age ac­cord­ing to the En­er­PHit cri­ter­ia for en­er­gy ret­ro­fit with the en­er­gy de­mand meth­od.
Zhiy­ong Tian
5:50 pm

Fi­nal ren­ov­ated so­ci­al hous­ing to PH stand­ard with dis­trict he­at­ing, CO2 emis­si­ons of fu­ture en­er­gy sys­tems

Prim/End fac­tor in Build­ing co­de DK2015 and DK2020 are un­re­al­ist­ic. Ren­ov­a­ti­on to NZB as Tof­te­bo Ca­se and fos­sil free dis­trict he­at by 2035 and 2050 can ful­fil low emis­si­on de­mand. Prim/End 2035 and 2050 are cal­cu­la­ted to 0,88 and 0,97. Prim/End wind elec. drops from 2,5 to 1,13 in 2050.

Søren Di­etz
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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­ti­on in­to Eng­lish/Chi­ne­se