Ses­sion 19

Ses­si­on 19: Chi­na: Res­id­en­ti­al Pass­ive Hou­se Pro­jects

Room 7 - Thurs­day, 10 Oc­to­ber 2019, 2:30 pm

Ti­me Top­ic Speak­er

2:30 pm

Tianjin eco-city res­id­en­tial high-rise pass­ive house

A case study of the hol­ist­ic design ap­proach to design and con­struc­tion of two Pass­ive House res­id­en­tial high-rise towers in Tianjin’s Eco-City and im­ple­men­ted strategies for wider rep­lic­a­tion. Once cer­ti­fied (sum­mer 2019), the towers will be con­sidered among the tallest Pass­ive House build­ings in Asia.

Rolf Demmler

2:55 pm

Op­tim­iz­a­tion of U value of ex­tern­al in­su­la­tion of ex­ter­i­or walls and g value of glass in hot-sum­mer and cold-winter re­gions

With a pro­ject in Wuhan loc­ated in hot sum­mer and cold winter areas of China as an ex­ample, this pa­per ana­lyzes the in­flu­en­ces of U-value of ex­tern­al in­su­la­tion of ex­ter­i­or walls and g-value of glass on en­ergy con­sump­tion of the build­ing through PHPP soft­ware and the con­trol vari­able meth­od, and dis­cusses the meth­ods and ways for op­tim­iz­a­tion of para­met­ers.

Chun Li (Chun Li (李淳))

3:20 pm

Design, op­tim­iz­a­tion and con­struc­tion of 40# res­id­en­tial build­ing pro­ject phase I in Beijing (Cao­feidi­an) mod­ern in­dustry de­vel­op­ment ex­per­i­ment­al zone (first start zone of eco-city)

In the design pro­cess of Pass­ive Houses, the phys­ic­al ele­ments, in­clud­ing build­ing en­vel­ope, doors and win­dows, thermal bridges and vent­il­a­tion must be con­sidered. In the mean­time, the liv­ing habits of the fu­ture res­id­ents that dir­ec­tly af­fect the ac­tu­al en­ergy de­mand of the build­ing dur­ing use in the fu­ture must also be taken in­to full ac­count.

Fuzhao Ji­ang (姜福曌)

3:45 pm

Mul­ti­fam­ily homes in China – ini­tial design, op­tim­iz­a­tion po­ten­tials and the im­pact of it

Op­tim­ising the build­ing's ar­chi­tec­tur­al design and the build­ing tech­no­logy is a con­fid­ent way to go to achieve a bet­ter build­ing per­form­ance, e.g. low en­ergy con­sump­tion and low car­bon foot­print.

Aure­lia Lip­pol­is

4:10 pm

Huang­shan re­cep­tion cen­ter pro­ject of Shan­dong Hua Ji­an Alu­min­um In­dustry Group

In the con­struc­tion of light steel pass­ive house, the key to reach the stand­ard of pass­ive house is as fol­low­ing: Fo­cus on deal­ing with the air tight­ness of the house, lay­out air-tight film, paste air­tight tape to meet the re­quire­ments of the stand­ard, the care­ful and ser­i­ous work of the con­struc­tion staff.

Hu­an­lin Zhang

4:15 pm

So­cial hous­ing in Beijing in pass­ive house stand­ard

A res­id­en­tial high-rise build­ing with 240 apart­ments is build in Beijing ac­cord­ing to the Pass­ive House stand­ard for so­cially dis­ad­vant­aged people. Be­sides a well-in­su­lated and air­tight thermal en­vel­ope chal­lenges, are build­ing ser­vices with two cent­ral vent­il­a­tion sys­tems with heat re­cov­ery and the fresh and ex­haust air of kit­chen area in the 25 m² small units.

Stefan Schirmer

4:20 pm

Sun­young Pa­vil­ion - a pass­ive house in Shang­hai

Sun­young Pa­vil­ion, built in 2018, is the first cer­ti­fied pass­ive house build­ing in Shang­hai after the Ger­man Pa­vil­ion of EXPO 2010. Wood struc­ture filled with rock wool in­su­la­tion, triple glaz­ing win­dows, as well as vent­il­a­tion sys­tem with heat and hu­mid­ity re­cov­ery and in­teg­rated heat­ing/cool­ing ful­fil the PH-stand­ar­ds.

Shou-Kong Chen

4:25 pm

A pass­ive house vil­lage in Korea

We suc­ceeded to real­ize 18 cer­ti­fied Pass­ive Houses or Low En­ergy Build­ings in a small set­tle­ment. Among 18, 6 achieved the Passive House stand­ard and 12 the Low Energy Building stand­ard. The reas­on why only 6 achieved the Passive House stand­ard is that ma­jor­ity of the houses (11) are east ori­en­ted.

Park Byoung­y­oeol
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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­ti­on in­to Eng­lish/Chi­ne­se