Ses­sion 17

Ses­sion 17: Pro­jects in cool­ing dom­in­ated cli­mates

Room 5 - Thursday, 10 Oc­to­ber 2019, 2:30 pm

Time Top­ic Speak­er

2:30 pm

Basa I, Passivhaus multi-fam­ily dwell­ing in Za­r­agoza (Spain)

The pa­per cov­ers the main pass­ive design strategies that have been chosen to achieve en­ergy bal­ance in ad­verse cli­mate con­di­tions, de­scrib­ing how the Pass­ive House five prin­ciples have been ap­plied and the strategies used to sim­u­late and achieve Pass­ive House stand­ard re­quire­ments.

Car­ranza Nav­arro, Pablo | Clara Lorente Martin

2:55 pm

Ef­fi­cient cool­ing and de­hu­mid­i­fic­a­tion strategies for Pass­ive Houses in warm and hot cli­mates

This pa­per sum­mar­izes the com­mon cool­ing and de­hu­mid­i­fic­a­tion sys­tems in PH and ev­al­u­ates their ef­fi­cien­cies in dif­fer­ent cli­mates. It can give de­sign­ers a first guideline how to choose an ef­fi­cient cool­ing concept and show the man­u­fac­tures what sys­tem could be suit­able for PH in the fu­ture.

Sichen Sheng

3:20 pm

Cost-ef­fect­ive multi-fam­ily build­ing in warm cli­mate

A Passivhaus in South­ern Italy at the same selling costs of a build­ing meet­ing the min­im­um en­ergy per­form­ance by code was the main tar­get to achieve. In­teg­rated design, also in the early stages and PHPP used as a design tool made it pos­sible to op­tim­ise the en­vel­ope and an ap­pro­pri­ate MEP solu­tion.

Piero Russo

3:45 pm

Cheng­du mixed use build­ing – a pass­ive house chal­lenge in the heart of China

This pa­per aims at de­scrib­ing the pass­ive and act­ive strategies of a mixed-use build­ing in Sichuan cap­it­al city of Cheng­du, pre­tend­ing to reach the Pass­ive House stand­ard. The presen­ted build­ing has a thermal floor area of 2637 m2. Con­struc­tion works are planned to start in Ju­ly 2019.

Mi­cheel Was­souf

4:10 pm

Meet­ing the pass­ive house stand­ard through para­met­ric design

A new 150-room, 6-storey stu­dent ac­com­mod­a­tion for Mon­ash Uni­versity in Aus­tralia, de­signed in Cross Lam­in­ated Tim­ber (CLT). The ar­chi­tec­tur­al design was stream­lined through Para­met­ric Design and aligned with the Uni­versity’s com­mit­ment to reach net zero car­bon emis­sions by 2030.

Pablo Sepul­veda Cor­radini

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* Sim­ul­tan­eous trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish/Chinese