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Programme online!

In keeping with the motto "Passive House – it’s worth it!" we will pay particular attention to economic success stories and affordable solutions!

The programme includes outstanding projects showing that energy-efficient construction can be affordable and achievable, for example the economic success stories of the 5-euro residential building and a supermarket chain that only builds to the Passive House Standard.

The dynamic Passive House blogger and architect Elrond Burrell from New Zealand will provide an energetic kick-off on Saturday and keynote speaker Frank Junker from the Housing Association ABG Frankfurt will report on why he only builds Passive House buildings.

Innovations and tried-and-tested solutions can be found at the accompanying Passive House trade exhibition. There will also be various networking opportunities, especially at the Passive House party on Friday, March 9th. Enjoy the Bavarian cuisine and meet interesting collaboration and discussion partners.

Discover Passive House projects in Munich and the surrounding area on Sunday, March 11, including residential quarters in Munich, the Bavarian state parliament and a Passive House construction site. One of the excursions will take us to Tyrol, where developers are constructing several significant projects in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck.

In the run-up to the conference (5-8 March 2018), a comprehensive workshop programme awaits visitors. There will be new workshops on airtightness and moisture control in different climates and BIM based quality assurance. Furthermore, you can learn more about cooling and dehumidification, energy efficient hot water systems, PHPP variant calculation and designPH.

We are certain that the visit is worthwhile and look forward to seeing you soon at the 22nd International Passive House Conference in the Bavarian state capital!

To the programme