Ses­si­on 15

Ses­si­on 15: Re­com­men­da­ti­ons on how to im­ple­ment Pas­siv­e Hou­se stan­dard

Mitt­woch, 15. Sep­tem­ber 2021


Vom Plan, ein Pas­siv­haus zu er­rich­ten bis zum fer­ti­gen Ge­bäu­de ist es ein wei­ter Weg. Die er­fah­re­nen Re­fe­ren­ten die­ser Ses­si­on wei­sen auf Stol­per­stei­ne hin, die dem Pla­ner be­geg­nen kön­nen und zei­gen Stra­te­gi­en auf, die­se zu ver­mei­den. Ver­schie­de­ne De­si­gns und Vor­ge­hens­wei­sen wer­den nicht nur in Be­zug auf ih­re Durch­führ­bar­keit, son­dern auch in Be­zug auf Fak­to­ren wie ih­re Kli­ma­bi­lanz und wirt­schaft­li­che Mach­bar­keit un­ter­sucht. Das Ziel: ei­ne im­mer bes­se­re, durch­dach­te­re Pla­nung von Pas­siv­hauspro­jek­ten.


Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
16.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Andrew Peel

16.05 Uhr

Suc­cess­ful PH fea­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy: How to gui­de a team through a front-loa­ded de­sign pro­cess

This pa­per high­lights the re­qui­red chan­ges to our ty­pi­cal buil­ding de­sign ap­proach to de­li­ver high-per­for­man­ce buil­dings at sca­le: the need for a front-loa­ded, in­te­gra­ted, and ho­li­stic ap­proach to buil­ding de­sign, with ener­gy bud­get ma­na­ge­ment prac­ti­ce pla­ced at its co­re. 

Marine Sanchez | RDH Building Science

16.20 Uhr

Pas­si­ve or nothing; Pas­si­ve sim­ple!!

By ci­ting re­crea­ted ico­nic and play­ful cul­tu­ral idioms, we over­co­me obstacles with a po­si­ti­ve up-beat vi­be that chan­ged the con­ver­sa­ti­on with our cli­ents, au­t­ho­ri­ties and team. Ac­cep­ting our po­si­ti­on as pro­fes­sio­nals, and lea­ding by ex­am­ple we crea­ted: Pas­si­ve Sim­ple, sim­p­ly Pas­si­ve; and won.  

Greg Hoffart | Tree Construction Inc

16.35 Uhr

A com­pa­ra­ti­ve li­fe cy­cle CO2 ana­ly­sis of a step-by-step Ener­PHit ver­sus a shal­low re­tro­fit

The pa­per pres­ents a com­pa­ra­ti­ve Li­fe-Cy­cle CO2 As­sess­ment ana­ly­sis for re­tro­fits with dif­fe­rent ener­gy per­for­man­ce le­vels and ener­gy sources. Ener­gy sour­ce plays a cru­ci­al ro­le in long-term CO2 emis­si­ons of the buil­ding. Li­fe-cy­cle CO2 emis­si­ons are the lo­west in the re­tro­fit­ting to the Ener­PHit stan­dard. 

Szabolcs Varga | V&V Projekt SRL
16.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

17.10 Uhr

Hea­ting load as a de­sign tar­get re­vi­si­ted

Be­ne­fits of de­si­gning for peak hea­ting load rat­her than de­mand in­clu­de lower cost, bet­ter com­fort, re­du­ced sen­si­ti­vi­ty to ori­en­ta­ti­on and grea­ter po­ten­ti­al for stan­dar­di­sed de­si­gns. One ex­am­ple is pre­sen­ted but we are dra­wing on the ex­pe­ri­ence of de­si­gning and mo­ni­to­ring ma­ny Pas­siv­haus buil­dings.

Nick Grant | Elemental Solutions

17.25 Uhr

STOP - Stra­te­gies to ob­tain Pas­si­ve Hou­se

Sin­gle-fa­mi­ly ho­me work in­vol­ves crea­ti­ve pro­ces­ses which ta­ke spe­ci­al re­qui­re­ments in­to ac­count (si­te con­di­ti­ons, per­so­nal needs). The­se ma­ke each buil­ding un­i­que. If the cli­ma­te is si­mi­lar, we must unify the sys­tems of ac­ti­ve ener­gy con­tri­bu­ti­on to ad­just com­fort con­di­ti­ons and ener­gy de­man­ds.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Pablo Carranza | BIONM
17.40 Uhr

The ro­le of ener­gy sto­ra­ge in buil­dings, mi­cro and ma­cro eco­no­mic con­si­de­ra­ti­ons

Ener­gie­spei­che­rung über­brückt den Ver­satz zwi­schen Ver­füg­bar­keit von vo­la­ti­len er­neu­er­ba­ren Ener­gie­quel­len und Ener­gie­be­darf. In ei­nem zu­künf­ti­gen Ener­gie­sys­tem fül­len Spei­cher kurz- und mit­tel­fris­ti­ge so­wie sai­so­na­le Lücken. De­zen­tra­le Spei­cher kön­nen den Be­zug an Net­z­ener­gie re­du­zie­ren, nicht je­doch die Spit­zen­last.

Fabian Ochs | Universität Innsbruck
17.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 16


Zu Session 14