Ses­sion 15

Ses­si­on 15: Re­com­mend­a­tions on how to im­ple­ment Pass­ive House stand­ard

Wed­nes­day, 15 Sep­tem­ber 2021


It is a long way from the plan to build a Pass­ive House to the fin­ished build­ing. The ex­per­i­en­ced speak­ers in this ses­sion will point out stum­bling blocks that plan­ners can en­counter and show strategies to avoid them. Dif­fer­ent designs and ap­proaches will be ex­amined not only in terms of their feas­ib­il­ity but also in terms of factors such as their car­bon foot­print and eco­nom­ic feas­ib­il­ity. The goal: ever bet­ter, more thought­ful design of Pass­ive House pro­jects.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er        
4:00 pm Wel­co­me
Andrew Peel

4:05 pm

Suc­cess­ful PH fea­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy: How to gui­de a team through a front-loa­ded de­sign pro­cess
This pa­per high­lights the re­quired changes to our typ­ic­al build­ing design ap­proach to de­liv­er high-per­form­ance build­ings at scale: the need for a front-loaded, in­teg­rated, and hol­ist­ic ap­proach to build­ing design, with en­ergy budget man­age­ment prac­tice placed at its core. 

Marine Sanchez | RDH Building Science

4:20 pm

Pas­si­ve or noth­ing; Pas­si­ve Sim­ple!!

By cit­ing re­cre­ated icon­ic and play­ful cul­tur­al idioms, we over­come obstacles with a pos­it­ive up-beat vibe that changed the con­ver­sa­tion with our cli­ents, au­thor­it­ies and team. Ac­cept­ing our po­s­i­tion as pro­fes­sion­als, and lead­ing by ex­ample we cre­ated: Pass­ive Simple, simply Pass­ive; and won.  

Greg Hoffart | Tree Construction Inc

4:35 pm

A com­pa­ra­ti­ve li­fe cy­cle CO2 Ana­ly­sis of a step-by-step En­er­PHit ver­sus a shal­low re­tro­fit

The pa­per presents a com­par­at­ive Life-Cycle CO2 As­sess­ment ana­lys­is for ret­ro­fits with dif­fer­ent en­ergy per­form­ance levels and en­ergy sources. En­ergy source plays a cru­cial role in long-term CO2 emis­sions of the build­ing. Life-cycle CO2 emis­sions are the low­est in the ret­ro­fit­ting to the En­erPHit stand­ard. 

Szabolcs Varga | V&V Projekt SRL
4:50 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

5:10 pm

Hea­ting load as a de­sign tar­get re­vi­si­ted

Be­ne­fits of design­ing for peak heat­ing load rather than de­mand in­clude lower cost, bet­ter com­fort, re­duced sens­it­iv­ity to ori­ent­a­tion and great­er po­ten­tial for stand­ard­ised designs. One ex­ample is presen­ted but we are draw­ing on the ex­per­i­en­ce of design­ing and mon­it­or­ing many Passivhaus build­ings.

Nick Grant | Elemental Solutions

5:25 pm

STOP (Strategies To Ob­tain Passivhaus)

Single-fam­ily home work in­volves cre­at­ive pro­cesses which take spe­cial re­quire­ments in­to ac­count (site con­di­tions, per­son­al needs). These make each build­ing unique. If the cli­mate is sim­il­ar, we must uni­fy the sys­tems of act­ive en­ergy con­tri­bu­tion to ad­just com­fort con­di­tions and en­ergy de­mands. 

Pablo Carranza | BIONM
5:40 pm

The ro­le of en­er­gy sto­ra­ge in buil­dings, mi­cro and ma­cro eco­no­mic con­si­de­ra­ti­ons

En­ergy stor­age fills the gap between en­ergy de­mand and the avail­ab­il­ity of volat­ile re­new­able en­ergy sources. The en­ergy sys­tem of the fu­ture will use en­ergy stor­age sys­tems to bridge these short-term, me­di­um-term and sea­son­al gaps. De­cent­ral­ised stor­age devices can re­duce the amount of en­ergy drawn from the grid, but not the peak load.

Fabian Ochs | Universität Innsbruck
5:55 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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