Ses­si­on 13

Ses­si­on 13: Ener­gy ef­fi­cient non-re­si­den­ti­al buil­dings

Mitt­woch, 15. Sep­tem­ber 2021


Nicht-Wohn­ge­bäu­de bil­den einen großen Teil des Ge­bäu­de­be­stands und stel­len be­son­de­re An­for­de­run­gen an den Pla­ner in Be­zug auf ih­re Funk­tio­na­li­tät. Ob Ru­mä­ni­en, Schott­land, Ita­li­en oder gar Ka­na­da: In die­ser Ses­si­on wer­den Vor­tei­le der Kon­struk­ti­on in Pas­siv­h­aus­bau­wei­se her­aus­ge­ar­bei­tet und an­hand von rea­li­sier­ten, ener­gie­ef­fi­zi­en­ten Pas­siv­haus-Nicht­wohn­ge­bäu­den il­lus­triert. Di­rek­te Ver­glei­che mit kon­ven­tio­nell er­rich­te­ten Ge­bäu­den und Er­fah­rungs­be­rich­te er­mög­li­chen es un­se­ren Re­fe­ren­ten, ein dif­fe­ren­zier­tes und viel­fäl­ti­ges Bild vom Nut­zen des Pas­siv­haus-Stan­dards für Nicht­wohn­ge­bäu­de zu zeich­nen.


Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
10.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Dragoș Ionuț Arnăutu

10.05 Uhr

Char­ting new ter­ri­to­ry in Pas­si­ve Hou­se: Van­cou­ver Fi­re Hall 17

PHPP is the cent­ral pass­ive hou­se plan­ning tool. To­geth­er with oth­er tools, it en­ab­les for cost-ef­fect­ive and en­er­gy-ef­fi­cient con­struc­ti­on to be re­li­ab­ly plan­ned. Ad­van­ced co­or­din­a­ti­on, qual­ity as­sur­an­ce and in­tens­ive mon­it­or­ing of the re­al­ized pro­jects en­su­re that the build­ings func­ti­on as 'plan­ned'. The speak­ers will pre­sent the PHPP and oth­er va­lu­ab­le 'di­git­al tools' and show by ex­am­ple how they are used.

Elise Woestyn | HCMA Architecture + Design


Elena Reyes | Passivhaus Institut

10.20 Uhr

Les­sons le­ar­ned from the first cer­ti­fied of­fi­ce buil­ding in Ro­ma­nia (PHI­LEB)

De­si­gned and built in less than 1 ye­ar - from the first sketch to mo­ving in - the new hea­d­quar­ters of the Ro­ma­ni­an com­pa­ny Smart­Wa­re/Crea­to­py, is the first of­fi­ce buil­ding in the coun­try to be cer­ti­fied as a PHI Low Ener­gy Buil­ding. 
The con­struc­ti­on is cur­rent­ly the lar­gest mass tim­ber buil­ding in Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe and the third lar­gest cer­ti­fied PHI Low Ener­gy Buil­ding in the World.The struc­ture as­sem­b­ly was com­ple­ted in 44 days by 10 peo­ple and the en­ti­re exe­cu­ti­on in less than 300 days. The to­tal floor area is 2380 m2, just ground le­vel, ser­ving as wor­king space for 250 IT em­ploy­ees.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).
Dragos Ionut Arnautu | Passivhaus Institut
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Marius Soflete | Ingeneria Creativa

10.35 Uhr

A com­pa­ri­son bet­ween two iden­ti­cal nur­se­ries in Scot­land - one Pas­siv­haus one tra­di­tio­nal

How do we ac­cu­ra­te­ly mea­su­re the be­ne­fits of Pas­siv­haus? By ha­ving two iden­ti­cal buil­dings - one Pas­siv­haus and one tra­di­tio­nal - we now ha­ve qua­li­ta­ti­ve and quan­ti­ta­ti­ve da­ta for cost, con­struc­ti­on, and in-use per­for­man­ce to put it to the test!

Allan Smith | Galliford Try
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Will South | Etude
10.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
11.10 Uhr

Low ener­gy free-run­ning pa­per sto­res: Moi­sture buf­fe­ring mo­del and mo­ni­to­red da­ta

The pas­si­ve pa­per ar­chi­ve for Im­pe­ri­al War Mu­se­um com­ple­ted in 2019 is un­hea­ted with free-run­ning tem­pe­ra­ture and lar­ge­ly pas­si­ve hu­mi­di­ty con­trol. He­re we de­s­cri­be the mo­del used to es­ti­ma­te moi­sture con­di­ti­ons in the buil­ding and com­pa­re with mea­su­red da­ta.

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Alan Clarke | Alan Clarke


11.25 Uhr

Stu­dents' dor­mi­to­ry in Vi­to­ria-Gas­teiz /Bas­que C - Spain: A stan­dard pro­ject be­co­mes a PH

Vi­to­ria-Bas­que Coun­try, nor­thern Spain. A new buil­ding with 180 ren­tal flats grows. An A-la­bel­led buil­ding be­co­mes Pas­siv­haus; its hea­ting de­mand drops from 93 to 13 kWh/(m²a). How we achie­ve this: chan­ging the de­sign. We can all ma­ke the change by wor­king on ef­fi­ci­en­cy first


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Adelina Uriarte Gonzalo-Bilbao | MUI Passiv SL


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Pedro Mariñeralera Albeniz | MUI Passiv SL
11.40 Uhr

Ener­phit school in Col­lec­chio, Par­ma

Ver­di school is the lar­gest Ener­PHit in Ita­ly: 3000 sqm with an ar­ti­cu­la­ted lay­out and 3 usa­ge pat­terns: can­teen, gym, class­rooms. Ener­PHit was not an ea­sy task: 3 dif­fe­rent PHPPs we­re com­bi­ned to­gether, n50 tar­get was re­a­ched af­ter se­ver­al tests, ex­cep­ti­ons had to be ac­cep­ted due to the bud­get.

Marco Filippi | Energy Plus Project
11.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 14


Zu Session 12