Ses­sion 13

Ses­si­on 13: En­ergy ef­fi­cient non-res­id­en­tial build­ings

Wed­nes­day, 15 Sep­tem­ber 2021


Non-res­id­en­tial build­ings form a large part of the build­ing stock and place spe­cial de­mands on the de­sign­er in terms of their func­tion­al­ity. Wheth­er Ro­mania, Scot­land, Italy, or even Canada, this ses­sion will high­light ad­vant­ages of Pass­ive House con­struc­tion and il­lus­trate them us­ing real­ized, en­ergy-ef­fi­cient Pass­ive House non-res­id­en­tial build­ings. Dir­ect com­par­is­ons with con­ven­tion­ally con­struc­ted build­ings and field re­ports will en­able our speak­ers to paint a nu­anced and di­verse pic­ture of the be­ne­fits of the Pass­ive House Stand­ard for non-res­id­en­tial build­ings.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er         
10:00 am Wel­co­me
Dragoș Ionuț Arnăutu

10:05 am

Char­ting new ter­ri­to­ry in Pas­si­ve Hou­se: Van­cou­ver Fi­re Hall 17

The Van­couver Fire Hall No.17 will be Canada’s first Pass­ive House Zero Emis­sions fire hall. In­nov­at­ive solu­tions were im­ple­men­ted to over­come the unique chal­lenges of this ty­po­logy and de­liv­er a high per­form­ance, fully elec­tric build­ing, that aligns with the City of Van­couver cli­mate ac­tion plan.

Elise Woestyn | HCMA Architecture + Design


Elena Reyes | Passivhaus Institut

10:20 am

Les­sons le­ar­ned from the first cer­ti­fied of­fi­ce buil­ding in Ro­ma­nia (PHI­LEB)

De­signed and built in less than 1 year - from the first sketch to mov­ing in - the new headquar­ters of the Ro­mani­an com­pany Smart­Ware/Cre­atopy, is the first of­fice build­ing in the coun­try to be cer­ti­fied as a PHI Low En­ergy Build­ing. 
The con­struc­tion is cur­rently the largest mass tim­ber build­ing in East­ern Europe and the third largest cer­ti­fied PHI Low En­ergy Build­ing in the World.The struc­ture as­sembly was com­pleted in 44 days by 10 people and the en­tire ex­e­cu­tion in less than 300 days. The total floor area is 2380 m2, just ground level, serving as work­ing space for 250 IT em­ploy­ees.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).
Dragoș Ionuț Arnăutu | Passivhaus Institut
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Marius Șoflete | Inginerie Creativă

10:35 am

A com­pa­ri­son bet­ween two iden­ti­cal nur­se­ries in Scot­land - one Pas­siv­haus one tra­di­tio­nal

How do we ac­cur­ately meas­ure the be­ne­fits of Passivhaus? By hav­ing two ident­ic­al build­ings - one Passivhaus and one tra­di­tion­al - we now have qual­it­at­ive and quant­it­at­ive data for cost, con­struc­tion, and in-use per­form­ance to put it to the test!

Allan Smith | Galliford Try
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Will South | Etude
10:50 am Ques­tion and An­swer  
11:10 am

Low en­er­gy free-run­ning pa­per sto­res: Moi­sture buf­fe­ring mo­del and mo­ni­to­red da­ta

The pass­ive pa­per archive for Im­per­i­al War Mu­seum com­pleted in 2019 is un­heated with free-run­ning tem­per­at­ure and largely pass­ive hu­mid­ity con­trol. Here we de­scribe the mod­el used to es­tim­ate mois­ture con­di­tions in the build­ing and com­pare with meas­ured data.

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Alan Clarke | Alan Clarke

11:25 am

Stu­dents' dorm­it­ory in Vit­or­ia-Gasteiz / Basque Coun­try - Spain: A stand­ard pro­ject be­comes a PH
Vit­or­ia-Basque Coun­try, north­ern Spain. A new build­ing with 180 rent­al flats grows. An A-la­belled build­ing be­comes Passivhaus; its heat­ing de­mand drops from 93 to 13 kWh/(m²a). How we achieve this: chan­ging the design. We can all make the change by work­ing on ef­fi­ciency first

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Adelina Uriarte Gonzalo-Bilbao | MUI Passiv SL
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Pedro Mariñeralera Albeniz | MUI Passiv SL
11:40 am

En­erPHit school in Col­lec­chio, Parma

Verdi school is the largest En­erPHit in Italy: 3000 sqm with an ar­tic­u­lated lay­out and 3 us­age pat­terns: canteen, gym, classrooms. En­erPHit was not an easy task: 3 dif­fer­ent PHPPs were com­bined to­geth­er, n50 tar­get was reached after sev­er­al tests, ex­cep­tions had to be ac­cep­ted due to the budget.

Marco Filippi | Energy Plus Project
11:55 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

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