Ses­si­on 11

Ses­si­on 11: Fu­ture pro­spects - com­mu­nic­a­ti­on and dis­sem­in­a­ti­on

Diens­tag, 14. Sep­tem­ber 2021


Der Pas­siv­haus-Stan­dard ist er­wie­se­ner­ma­ßen ei­ne Lö­sung für einen kli­ma­neu­tra­len Ge­bäu­de­sek­tor. Wie kann es ge­lin­gen, das Wis­sen und die vie­len po­si­ti­ven Er­fah­run­gen rea­li­sier­ter Pro­jek­te wei­ter­zu­ver­brei­ten um einen hö­he­ren An­teil an kli­ma­neu­tra­len Ge­bäu­den zu er­rei­chen, sei es in Neu­bau oder im Be­stand? Un­se­re Re­fe­ren­ten er­stel­len ein La­ge­bild und Per­spek­ti­ven zur Durch­drin­gung und Be­kannt­heit des Pas­siv­haus-Stan­dards im welt­wei­ten Markt, auch und ge­ra­de mit Blick auf die ver­schärf­ten An­for­de­run­gen an die Kli­maf­reund­lich­keit von Ge­bäu­den.  Ein be­son­de­res Au­gen­merk liegt auf der Ver­ant­wort­lich­keit von Re­gie­run­gen in al­len geo­gra­fi­schen Kon­tex­ten, ei­ne zu­kunfts­fä­hi­ge Per­spek­ti­ve für den Ge­bäu­de­be­stand zu ent­wi­ckeln.


Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
16.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Giorgia Tzar

16.05 Uhr

Don't ask the cli­ent - just do it!

If all pro­fes­si­ons took their re­spon­si­bi­li­ty in stop­ping the cli­ma­te change, the change will be ex­po­nen­ti­al. In the buil­ding in­dus­try the­re is a lot we can do to­day that has a big im­pact and good pro­fit. Pas­si­ve hou­se is one ex­am­ple, so­lar cells, ener­gy sto­ra­ge and sha­ring other ex­amp­les. Im­port­ant is to do what you can and not ask for other’s per­mis­si­on so much. When it seems hard, press the boun­da­ri­es. 

Ingrid Westman | Friendly Building

16.20 Uhr

Tur­ning car­bon in­to dia­mond in a su­stai­na­ble and re­p­li­ca­ble way.

We tur­ned an ob­so­le­te, 70-ye­ar-old dwel­ling built in a hum­ble dis­trict, in­to a high ef­fi­cient and com­for­ta­ble ho­me. Ap­p­ly­ing su­stai­na­ble and ea­sy to re­pro­du­ce tech­ni­ques for this  re­fur­bis­h­ment, it ends up re­a­ching Ener­PHit cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and being mo­re ef­fi­cient than  buil­dings using lo­cal stan­dards, pro­ving this tool to be re­lia­ble and fle­xi­ble. 

Pablo Carranza Navarro | BIONM

16.35 Uhr

From a cli­ent to a CPHD - Pas­si­ve Hou­se cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on jour­ney

Se­ven years post com­ple­ti­on, I took a Pas­si­ve Hou­se De­si­gner cour­se and cer­ti­fied our ho­me as a Pas­si­ve Hou­se. It is a per­so­nal jour­ney, from a cli­ent to a Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­fes­sio­nal, full of obstacles, per­so­nal grow­th and enor­mous sa­tis­fac­ti­on. For tho­se sit­ting on the si­de-li­nes, I say jump in! 

Click to view on Youtube (Google).

Vladimir Pezel | eMod Studio
16.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

17.10 Uhr

Parks Ca­na­da ne­west dis­co­ve­ry cen­tre, lab & of­fi­ce lea­ding PH+ gree­ning go­ver­n­ment vi­si­on

Parks Ca­na­da Agen­cy pi­lots Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus in cold cli­ma­te for its La­ke Su­pe­ri­or Na­tio­nal Ma­ri­ne Con­ser­va­ti­on Area new in­fra­struc­ture. Spea­kers will pre­sent their Pas­si­ve Hou­se in­no­va­ti­on jour­ney in go­ver­n­ment and sha­re tips and tricks for fos­te­ring a com­mon pur­po­se and mit­i­ga­ting the risks.    


Garth Grunerud | Parks Canada Agency


SZ Portrait 2021.jpg
Sonia Zouari | Parks Canada Agency
17.25 Uhr

"Show me your pas­si­ve hou­se!" A com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on stra­t­egy for bet­ter buil­dings

The ca­se stu­dy show­ca­ses the po­ten­ti­al for re­tro­fit­ting exis­ting buil­dings in Gree­ce to PH stan­dard. Mo­ni­to­ring re­sults con­firm that off-the-shelf tech­no­lo­gi­cal so­lu­ti­ons can be com­bi­ned to re­tro­fit buil­dings to pro­du­ce mo­re than what they con­su­me, af­ter an in­iti­al sta­ge of con­sump­ti­on ca­li­bra­ti­on.

Stefanos Pallantzas | Hellenic Passive House Institute

17.40 Uhr

A Scot­tish Ener­PHit re­tro­fit plan: Up­gra­ding the edu­ca­tio­nal estate in an UN­ES­CO World He­ri­ta­ge Si­te

Ci­ty of Edin­bur­gh Coun­cil are com­mit­ted to being net ze­ro car­bon by 2030.They rea­li­se the need for de­ep re­fur­bis­h­ment to achie­ve this. They ha­ve un­der­ta­ken a ci­ty wi­de fea­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy on in­ter­ven­ti­ons nee­ded to re­tro­fit the en­ti­re estate ap­p­ly­ing an Ener­PHit in­for­med re­tro­fit ap­proach (EiRP).

Ann-Marie Fallon, Architype Ltd
17.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Session 12


Zu Session 10