Ses­sion 11

Ses­si­on 11: Fu­ture pro­spects - com­mu­nic­a­tion and dis­sem­in­a­tion

Tues­day, 14 Sep­tem­ber 2021


The Pass­ive House Stand­ard is a proven solu­tion for a cli­mate-neut­ral build­ing sec­tor. How can we dis­sem­in­ate the know­ledge and the many pos­it­ive ex­per­i­en­ces of real­ized pro­jects in or­der to achieve a high­er share of cli­mate-neut­ral build­ings, wheth­er in new or ex­ist­ing build­ings? Our speak­ers will provide per­spect­ives on the pen­et­ra­tion of the Pass­ive House Stand­ard in the glob­al mar­ket, also and fo­cus on the strict re­quire­ments for the cli­mate friend­li­ness of build­ings.  Spe­cial at­ten­tion will be giv­en to the re­spons­ib­il­ity of gov­ern­ments in all geo­graph­ic con­texts to de­vel­op a sus­tain­able per­spect­ive for the build­ing stock, and the aware­ness of the Pass­ive House Stand­ard's suit­ab­il­ity among poli­cy­makers.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er          
4:00 pm Wel­co­me
Giorgia Tzar

4:05 pm

Don't ask the cli­ent - just do it!

If all pro­fes­sions took their re­spons­ib­il­ity in stop­ping the cli­mate change, the change will be ex­po­nen­tial. In the build­ing in­dustry there is a lot we can do today that has a big im­pact and good profit. Pass­ive house is one ex­ample, sol­ar cells, en­ergy stor­age and shar­ing oth­er ex­amples. Im­port­ant is to do what you can and not ask for oth­er’s per­mis­sion so much. When it seems hard, press the bound­ar­ies. 

Ingrid Westman | Friendly Building

4:20 pm

Tur­ning car­bon in­to dia­mond in a su­staina­ble and re­p­li­ca­ble way.

We turned an ob­sol­ete, 70-year-old dwell­ing built in a humble dis­trict, in­to a high ef­fi­cient and com­fort­able home. Ap­ply­ing sus­tain­able and easy to re­pro­duce tech­niques for this  re­fur­bish­ment, it ends up reach­ing En­erPHit cer­ti­fic­a­tion and be­ing more ef­fi­cient than  build­ings us­ing loc­al stand­ar­ds, prov­ing this tool to be re­li­able and flex­ible. 

Pablo Carranza Navarro | BIONM

4:35 pm

From a cli­ent to a CPHD - Pas­si­ve Hou­se cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on jour­ney

Se­ven years post com­ple­ti­on, I took a Pas­si­ve Hou­se De­si­gn­er cour­se and cer­ti­fied our ho­me as a Pas­si­ve Hou­se. It is a per­so­nal jour­ney, from a cli­ent to a Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­fes­sio­nal, full of obstacles, per­so­nal grow­th and en­or­mous sa­tis­fac­ti­on. For tho­se sit­ting on the si­de-li­nes, I say jump in! 

Click to view on Youtube (Google).

Vladimir Pezel | eMod Studio
4:50 pm Ques­tion and An­swer


5:10 pm

Parks Ca­na­da ne­west dis­co­ve­ry cen­tre, lab & of­fi­ce lea­ding PH+ gree­ning go­ver­n­ment vi­si­on

Parks Canada Agency pi­lots Pass­ive House Plus in cold cli­mate for its Lake Su­per­i­or Na­tion­al Mar­ine Con­ser­va­tion Area new in­fra­struc­ture. Speak­ers will present their Pass­ive House in­nov­a­tion jour­ney in gov­ern­ment and share tips and tricks for fos­ter­ing a com­mon pur­pose and mit­ig­at­ing the risks.    

Garth Grunerud | Parks Canada Agency


SZ Portrait 2021.jpg
Sonia Zouari | Parks Canada Agency
5:25 pm

"Show me your Pass­ive House!" A com­mu­nic­a­tion strategy for bet­ter build­ings

The case study show­cases the po­ten­tial for ret­ro­fit­ting ex­ist­ing build­ings in Greece to PH stand­ard. Mon­it­or­ing res­ults con­firm that off-the-shelf tech­no­lo­gic­al solu­tions can be com­bined to ret­ro­fit build­ings to pro­duce more than what they con­sume, after an ini­tial stage of con­sump­tion cal­ib­ra­tion.

Stefanos Pallantzas | Hellenic Passive House Institute

5:40 pm

A Scot­tish En­er­PHit re­tro­fit plan: Up­gra­ding the edu­ca­tio­nal es­tate in an UN­ES­CO World Her­it­age Site

City of Ed­in­burgh Coun­cil are com­mit­ted to be­ing net zero car­bon by 2030.They real­ise the need for deep re­fur­bish­ment to achieve this. They have un­der­taken a city wide feas­ib­il­ity study on in­ter­ven­tions needed to ret­ro­fit the en­tire es­tate ap­ply­ing an En­erPHit in­formed ret­ro­fit ap­proach (Ei­RP).

Ann-Marie Fallon | Architype
5:55 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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