Ses­si­on 10

Ses­si­on 10: In­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se Pro­jects

Diens­tag, 14. Sep­tem­ber 2021


Pas­siv­häu­ser kön­nen in je­der geo­gra­fi­schen Um­ge­bung und im Ein­klang mit lan­des­s­pe­zi­fi­schen kul­tu­rel­len Ei­gen­hei­ten rea­li­siert wer­den. Vom Ver­ei­nig­ten Kö­nig­reich über Po­len nach In­di­en und Aus­tra­li­en: Die Re­fe­ren­ten die­ser Ses­si­on brin­gen ih­re Er­fah­rung von Pas­siv­haus-Bau­pro­jek­ten in un­ter­schied­li­chen Län­dern und Kli­ma­ta mit und stel­len uns ört­li­che Be­son­der­hei­ten vor, die sie bei der Durch­füh­rung der Vor­ha­ben zu be­ach­ten hat­ten. Les­sons le­ar­ned, den Ener­gie­be­darf wie auch die in­di­vi­du­el­le Pro­jekt­grö­ße be­tref­fend, kom­plet­tie­ren das the­ma­ti­sche An­ge­bot.


Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
10.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Elrond Burrell.jpg
Elrond Burell

10.05 Uhr

Bird's Wing Pas­si­ve Du­plex Plus: Lock-off sui­tes pro­vi­de den­si­ty and fle­xi­bi­li­ty

Bird’s Wing Pas­siv­haus Du­plex Plus is a new hou­sing ty­po­lo­gy that ele­gant­ly ad­justs to the oc­cu­pants’ needs for space and fle­xi­bi­li­ty over ti­me, wi­thout was­te.  It wel­co­mes up to four fa­mi­lies “un­der its wing”, and ad­dres­ses den­si­ty, af­for­da­bi­li­ty, ageing-in-place, and ho­li­stic su­stai­na­bi­li­ty.  

Allison Holden Pope | ONE SEED Architecture + Interiors Inc

10.20 Uhr

Eva­lua­ting ener­gy use at two Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus dwel­lings in the UK

The an­nu­al ener­gy usa­ge da­ta of two Bri­tish Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus dwel­lings with bat­te­ry has  shown that whilst the­re are im­pro­ve­ments nee­ded in win­ter ener­gy aut­arky, the hou­ses  con­su­me 80% less ener­gy than the ty­pi­cal UK ho­me and of­fer po­ten­ti­al for com­mu­ni­ty- ba­sed 100% re­ne­wa­ble ener­gy ta­riffs.    

Ifrah Ariff | bere:architects

10.35 Uhr

So­Lo pro­to­ty­pe and les­sons le­ar­ned for lar­ger sca­le mass tim­ber Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­jects

Soo Val­ley Ho­me (So­Lo) is an off-grid pro­to­ty­pe ne­ar Whist­ler,  BC that was de­si­gned and con­struc­ted to de­mons­tra­te an in­no­va­ti­ve ap­proach to fu­ture buil­ding in terms of ge­ne­ra­ting its own ener­gy and mi­ni­mi­zing its car­bon foot­print. It is built pri­ma­ri­ly using mass tim­ber and cer­ti­fied to the in­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se stan­dard; si­mul­ta­neous­ly tack­ling both  em­bo­died and ope­ra­ti­on emis­si­ons.

Cillian Collins | Perkins and Will Architects
10.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
11.10 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se con­cepts for In­dia

Stu­dy of 5 pro­to­ty­pes to the Pas­si­ve Hou­se stan­dard in 5 lo­ca­ti­ons in In­dia. The stu­dy - rea­li­sed with the sup­port of GIZ In­dia, to­gether with As­hok B Lall Ar­chi­tects, LEAD Con­sul­tan­cy and En­gi­nee­ring Ser­vi­ces, and KPMG In­dia - will form part of an on­li­ne buil­ding ca­ta­logue from Eco-Ni­was. 

Camille Sifferlen | Passivhaus Institut

11.25 Uhr

The Pas­si­ve Hou­se with a win­ter gar­den – the first PH Plus cer­ti­fied hou­se in Poland

“The Hou­se with a win­ter gar­den” was built in a War­saw sub­ur­ban vil­la­ge in 2016. Sin­ce iIt is oc­cu­pied by a fa­mi­ly of four. It is tim­ber-fra­me con­struc­ti­on with sim­ple, com­pact form. The hou­se is the first one and the on­ly one in Poland cer­ti­fied to Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus stan­dard by the PHI Darm­stadt.

Bartosz Krolczyk | Pasywny M2
11.40 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard for CLT NZEB in tro­pi­cal cli­ma­tes

En­er­gy sim­u­la­ti­ons show that shad­ing, sur­face ab­sorp­tiv­ity, en­thal­py re­cov­ery, low SH­GC, de­hu­mid­i­fic­a­ti­on, and min­im­ised he­at gains are vi­tal to the oc­cu­pant ac­cept­an­ce of the Pas­siv­haus de­sign in hot and hu­mid Aus­tra­li­an cli­ma­tes. 

Marcus Strang | University of Queensland and HIP V. HYPE
11.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 11


Zu Session 9