Ses­sion 10

Ses­si­on 10: In­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se Pro­jects

Tues­day, 14 Sep­tem­ber 2021


Pass­ive Houses can be im­ple­men­ted in any geo­graph­ic en­vir­on­ment and in ac­cord­ance with coun­try-spe­cif­ic cul­tur­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics. From the United King­dom to Po­land to In­dia and Aus­tralia, the speak­ers in this ses­sion will share their ex­per­i­en­ce of Pass­ive House con­struc­tion pro­jects in dif­fer­ent coun­tries and cli­mates, and present loc­al spe­cif­ics that they had to con­sider when im­ple­ment­ing the pro­jects. Les­sons learned re­gard­ing the en­ergy de­mand as well as the in­di­vidu­al pro­ject size com­plete the them­at­ic of­fer.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er            
10:00 am Wel­co­me
Elrond Burrell.jpg
Elrond Burell

10:05 am

Bird’s Wing Passive Duplex Plus: Lock-off suites provide density and flexibility

Bird’s Wing Passivhaus Du­plex Plus is a new hous­ing ty­po­logy that el­eg­antly ad­justs to the oc­cu­pants’ needs for space and flex­ib­il­ity over time, without waste.  It wel­comes up to four fam­il­ies “un­der its wing”, and ad­dresses dens­ity, af­ford­ab­il­ity, age­ing-in-place, and hol­ist­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity.  

Allison Holden Pope | ONE SEED Architecture + Interiors Inc

10:20 am

Eva­lua­ting en­er­gy use in two Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus dwel­lings in the UK

The an­nu­al en­er­gy usa­ge da­ta of two Bri­tish Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus dwel­lings with bat­te­ry has  shown that whilst the­re are im­pro­ve­ments nee­ded in win­ter en­er­gy aut­arky, the hou­ses  con­su­me 80% less en­er­gy than the ty­pi­cal UK ho­me and of­fer po­ten­ti­al for com­mu­ni­ty- ba­sed 100% re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy ta­riffs.   

Ifrah Ariff | bere:architects

10:35 am

So­Lo pro­to­ty­pe and les­sons le­ar­ned for lar­ger sca­le mass tim­ber Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­jects

Soo Val­ley Home (SoLo) is an off-grid pro­to­type near Whist­ler,  BC that was de­signed and con­struc­ted to de­mon­strate an in­nov­at­ive ap­proach to fu­ture build­ing in terms of gen­er­at­ing its own en­ergy and min­im­iz­ing its car­bon foot­print. It is built primar­ily us­ing mass tim­ber and cer­ti­fied to the in­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House stand­ard; sim­ul­tan­eously tack­ling both  em­bod­ied and op­er­a­tion emis­sions.

Cillian Collins | Perkins and Will Architects
10:50 am Ques­tion and An­swer  
11:10 am

Pas­si­ve Hou­se con­cepts for In­dia

Study of 5 pro­to­types to the Pass­ive House stand­ard in 5 loc­a­tions in In­dia. The study - real­ised with the sup­port of GIZ In­dia, to­geth­er with Ashok B Lall Ar­chi­tects, LEAD Con­sul­tancy and En­gin­eer­ing Ser­vices, and KP­MG In­dia - will form part of an on­line build­ing cata­logue from Eco-Ni­was. 

Camille Sifferlen | Passivhaus Institut

11:25 am

The Pas­si­ve Hou­se with a win­ter gar­den – the first PH Plus cer­ti­fied hou­se in Po­land

“The House with a winter garden” was built in a Warsaw sub­urb­an vil­lage in 2016. Since iIt is oc­cu­pied by a fam­ily of four. It is tim­ber-frame con­struc­tion with simple, com­pact form. The house is the first one and the only one in Po­land cer­ti­fied to Pass­ive House Plus stand­ard by the PHI Darm­stadt.

Bartosz Krolczyk | Pasywny M2
11:40 am

Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard for CLT NZEB in tro­pi­cal cli­ma­tes

En­ergy sim­u­la­tions show that shad­ing, sur­face ab­sorptiv­ity, en­thalpy re­cov­ery, low SHGC, de­hu­mid­i­fic­a­tion, and min­im­ised heat gains are vi­tal to the oc­cu­pant ac­cept­ance of the Passivhaus design in hot and hu­mid Aus­trali­an cli­mates. 

Marcus Strang | University of Queensland and HIP V. HYPE
11:55 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

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