Ses­sion 15

Ses­si­on 15: Pass­ive House Ret­ro­fits in Ger­many
(Ger­man mod­er­a­tion, present­a­tions with Eng­lish sub­titles)

Thursday, 8 Oc­to­ber 2020, 9:00 am

Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er          
9:00 am Wel­come
Dirk Mobers_hohe Auflösung_Kopf_400.jpg
Dirk Mobers | Chair

9:05 am

Sin­fonia: The "French Houses" of Tir­ol are ready for the en­ergy trans­ition (Present­a­tion in Ger­man)

It is im­port­ant that a green ret­ro­fit leaves res­id­ents happy and able to con­tin­ue en­joy­ing the com­forts of mod­ern liv­ing. Only a com­pre­hens­ive ret­ro­fit concept built for liv­ing is truly sus­tain­able! Cost-ef­fect­ive ret­ro­fit­ting meas­ures make the en­ergy-ef­fi­cient re­fur­bish­ment of post-war ar­chi­tec­ture both pos­sible and worth­while

Harald Konrad Malzer | NEUE HEIMAT TIROL Gemeinnützige WohnungsGmbH

9:20 am

Ret­ro­fit trans­ition of the land­marked hip­po­pot­amus house in the Nur­em­berg Tier­garten to­wards a zero-en­ergy build­ing (Present­a­tion in Ger­man)

The former hip­po­pot­amus house at the Nur­em­berg zoo was re­de­ve­loped as a “desert house” that meets the Pass­ive House Stand­ard. The build­ing en­vel­ope re­lies on con­tinu­ous in­teri­or in­su­la­tion (floor, walls, ceil­ing) to elim­in­ate thermal bridges. Since the ret­ro­fit, the build­ing no longer con­sumes heat­ing en­ergy. CO2 sav­ings of around 99% have been achieved.   

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Mario Bodem | ING+ARCH

9:35 am

From school to apart­ment build­ing: An En­erPhit trans­ition (Present­a­tion in Ger­man)

Mit dem Um­bau des 1908 errichteten ehem­a­li­gen Gym­nas­i­ums Uh­len­horst-Barm­bek wurde die er­ste En­erPHit-Mod­ern­is­ier­ung in Ham­burg real­is­iert. Es entstanden 40 öf­fent­lich ge­förderte und frei fin­an­zierte Wohnun­gen. Die tat­säch­lichen Ver­bräuche für Heizen­er­gie und Warm­wasser passen zur En­erPHit Berech­nung.

Lars Beckmannshagen | ZEBAU GmbH
9:50 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

10:10 am

Ret­ro­fit trans­form­a­tion of the Dan­ish Expo pa­vil­ion in­to a plus-en­ergy build­ing with a PVT heat pump sys­tem (Present­a­tion in Ger­man)

The Dan­ish Pa­vil­ion was re­fur­bished us­ing highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient Pass­ive House com­pon­ents, re­source-sav­ing tech­no­logy and re­new­able en­ergy. The centrepiece of the build­ing tech­no­logy is an in­nov­at­ive, build­ing-in­teg­rated, rain­proof PVT sys­tem com­bined with a heat pump.

Carsten Grobe_bearbeitet_400.png
Carsten Grobe | Architektur- und TGA-Planungsbüro Carsten Grobe Passivhaus

10:25 am

Win­dows: That's how you do it right! (Present­a­tion in Ger­man)

Im Klima Frank­furt am Main lohnt sich die In­vest­i­tion in dre­ifach ver­glaste Kun­st­stoff­fen­ster mit Wärme gedäm­mten Rah­men. Die In­stall­a­tion des Fen­sters in der Däm­mebene bringt Licht- und En­er­giegewinnen sow­ie Kos­tenein­spar­un­gen.

Benjamin Krick | Passive House Institute & University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
10:40 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

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