• 24th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce

    20 September - 08 October 2020 - Building the future - sustainably!

    Virtual Conference | #24int­PHC

    Lec­tures, Exhibition,
    Networking, Building Tours

     You have a ticket? Watch the replay of the sessions here.

    Heidelberg Convention Center. Visualisierung Wettbewerb. Fo­to: Degelo Architekten

THANK YOU! For three weeks of our first ever VIR­TU­AL Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce and Ex­hib­i­tion!

The 24th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce, this year for the first time as a VIR­TU­AL con­fer­en­ce has come to an end. From 20 Septem­ber to 08 Oc­to­ber 2020 con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants and vis­it­ors of the ex­hib­i­tion had the chance to dis­cov­er our con­fer­en­ce pro­gramme, with more that 90 speak­ers in lec­ture and build­ing tour ses­sions, and our ON­LINE Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion. Did you miss the con­fer­en­ce? Take a look at our So­cial Me­dia Wall to get an idea.


Build­ing the fu­ture sus­tain­ably! - By stick­ing to this fo­cus and with our com­pre­hens­ive pro­gramme the con­fer­en­ce showed how the build­ing sec­tor con­trib­utes to a sus­tain­able fu­ture. Des­pite the Corona crisis, cli­mate pro­tec­tion must con­tin­ue and we are con­vinced that en­ergy-ef­fi­cient build­ing is in­dis­pens­able for this!

We are happy to look back to sci­en­tif­ic lec­tures, build­ing tours and the ac­com­pa­ny­ing in­form­at­ive trade ex­hib­i­tion in on­line format. Thanks to all speak­ers, poster presenters, ex­hib­it­ors as well as to our part­ners and sup­port­ers and last but not least to all of you who par­ti­cip­ated in our 24th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Cn­fer­en­ce!

Look back to our News sec­tion on the first ever vir­tu­al In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce.


Virtual Passive House Conference | A review

Nov. 11, 2020

We are incredible happy and thankful for three weeks of virtual Passive House Conference and for all the things we learned and shared. It was an ex­hil­ar­at­ing ex­per­i­en­ce to meet so many people virtually that are pas­sion­ate about build­ing en­ergy-ef­fi­cient houses and im­ple­ment­ing these build­ing stand­ar­ds for a bet­ter and more sus­tain­able fu­ture. Take a look at our review page or dicover our Social Media Wall to read more.

Read more…

Join us for the last week of conference!

Oct. 7, 2020

One more week to go: Enjoy five more lecture sessions and our second building tour session with Passive House projects from all over the world! You can look forward to our final plenary on Thursday, 8 October at 5:00 pm (CEST) with top-class keynote speakers including Marina Köhn, Susan Aitken, and Wolfgang Feist, founder of the Passive House Institute. The recordings of all previous sessions can be accessed by participants via our platform at any time.

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That's how we start the second week.

Sept. 30, 2020

Politicians as guests! In the second week of the conference more interesting programme offers are waiting for you on Wednesday and Thursday. You can look forward to Dr. Julia Verlinden, among others, in the half-time plenum. Take part in a guided tour of the ONLINE exhibition and exchange ideas with other conference participants in the Passive House Café! The recordings of all previous sessions are already available to participants on our platform at any time.

Read more…


The In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce is the year's premi­um Pass­ive House event, where about 1000 thought lead­ers and in­nov­at­ors from around the world gath­er. Here you will find a wide range of net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies! Present­a­tions, work­shops and build­ing tours al­low you to share your ex­per­i­en­ce with oth­er pro­fes­sion­als and to learn more about the latest Pass­ive House de­vel­op­ments. Fur­ther­more, the con­fer­en­ce is ac­com­pan­ied by the Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion where all lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers present their latest products! What is spe­cial this year is that the con­fer­en­ce will take place as a pure ON­LINE con­fer­en­ce.

Foyer im Darmstadtium
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Passive House Exhibition

Pass­ive House com­pon­ents provide max­im­um com­fort with min­im­um en­ergy costs in new builds and re­fur­bish­ments alike. Wheth­er you want in­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­als, win­dows or vent­il­a­tion sys­tems with heat re­cov­ery – all lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of Pass­ive House com­pon­ents will be rep­res­en­ted at the ac­com­pa­ny­ing spe­cial­ist on­line ex­hib­i­tion. Here you will find first-class ad­vice, in­form­a­tion ma­ter­i­als, il­lus­trat­ive mod­els and ex­perts happy to an­swer your ques­tions. The free on­line Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion of this year opens already on 17 Septem­ber 2020, 10.00 o'clock and is opened for you up to 08. Oc­to­ber 2020, al­to­geth­er three weeks.

More information

Sched­ule of 24th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce

17 September - 08 October 2020

On­line Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion

20 Septem­ber - 08 Oc­to­ber 2020

24th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce - Lec­tures, build­ing tours and net­work­ing!




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We will or­gan­ise sev­er­al ba­sic and ad­vanced work­shops for those in­ter­es­ted in fur­ther­ing their Pass­ive House know­ledge. Due to the con­ver­sion to our VIR­TU­AL con­fer­en­ce, the work­shops will only be offered after the con­fer­en­ce.





The Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce of­fers the per­fect op­por­tun­ity for net­work­ing. Look for­ward to ex­cit­ing net­work formats at our VIR­TU­AL con­fer­en­ce. Soon you will be able to dis­cov­er them here.


Build­ing tours




Dis­cov­er vari­ous Pass­ive House pro­jects and take part in our build­ing tours as part of the ON­LINE con­fer­en­ce - Video edi­tion! Tis year the build­ing tours are in­cluded in the con­fer­en­ce tick­et.

Un­der the pat­ron­age of

Or­gan­ising body

Co-or­gan­ising body

With kind sup­port from

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