

Get in touch with speak­ers, ex­hib­it­ors and oth­er con­fer­en­ce par­ti­ci­pants - al­so in our on­li­ne for­mat!

Be­si­des ex­cit­ing lec­tu­res and build­ing tours, per­son­al ex­change is an im­port­ant part of our 24th In­ter­na­ti­on­al Pass­ive Hou­se Con­fer­en­ce. For this pur­po­se we have pro­vi­ded you with va­ri­ous vir­tu­al pos­sib­il­it­ies to net­work and for fur­ther dis­cus­si­ons with oth­er par­ti­ci­pants.

The lec­ture ses­sions are in­teg­rated in­to our match­mak­ing plat­form. This gives you the op­por­tun­ity to get in­to dir­ect con­tact with rel­ev­ant con­ver­sa­tion part­ners from all over the world, even dur­ing the lec­ture ses­sions. Find com­mon in­terests and ar­range a spe­cif­ic ap­point­ment in the video chat.

With­in our Yo­tri­be rooms you can start spon­tan­eous dis­cus­si­ons and ex­change ideas on Pass­ive Hou­se top­ics in smal­ler groups. Try it out! 

The­se Net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies are all part of our this year's con­fer­en­ce tick­et. By pur­chas­ing the con­fer­en­ce tick­et, par­ti­cipants will re­ceive ac­cess to our net­work­ing of­fers at the be­gin­ning of Septem­ber 2020. Se­cure the early bird dis­count in our Tick­et-shop un­til 24 Au­gust 2020.

How does net­work­ing work at our ON­LI­NE con­fer­en­ce?

Match­mak­ing in on­line format

Make new con­tacts, learn from per­son­al ex­per­i­en­ces, chal­lenges and in­di­vidu­al solu­tions re­gard­ing the Pass­ive House - all from the com­fort of your own home. Our match­mak­ing com­bines all of­fers of the con­fer­en­ce in one plat­form. Be­come part of the live dis­cus­sions dur­ing the lec­ture ses­sions, ex­per­i­en­ce the ON­LINE Pass­ive House ex­hib­i­tion up close dur­ing one of our vir­tu­al tours, ex­change ideas with the ar­chi­tects and build­ers of the build­ing tours in video format and net­work with all stake­hold­ers.

Get in­volved!

Cre­ate your on­line pro­file and find com­mon in­terests with oth­er con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants via our ques­tion­naire. We will find the right match for you!

Fur­ther ad­vant­ages:

  • Over­view of the con­fer­en­ce pro­gramme in your per­son­al agenda
  • Find oth­er par­ti­cipants with­in the ses­sion
  • Easy con­tact to speak­ers, ex­hib­it­ors and con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants from all over the world in in­di­vidu­al or group chat
  • Meet­ing man­age­ment: In­dic­ate when you are avail­able
  • Ar­range ap­point­ments in the one2one video chat
  • Fur­ther site events with­in the scope of our match­mak­ing. Be curi­ous!

Just want to listen un­dis­turbed? No prob­lem! You de­cide weth­er you want to be con­tac­ted or not.

Pass­ive House Café (Yotribe/Won­der)

Our Pass­ive House Café of­fers a space whe­re peo­ple choo­se their con­ver­sa­ti­on part­ners and groups by ap­proach­ing oth­ers - just li­ke in re­al li­fe. Our Café is avail­ab­le around the clock dur­ing the who­le con­fer­en­ce and the­re you can get in­to con­tact with oth­er par­ti­ci­pants, speak­ers and ex­hib­it­ors.

It's qui­te sim­ple:

  1. Vis­it our vir­tu­al Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion and click on wid­get to enter the Pass­ive House Café.
  2. Ta­ke a pho­to with your web cam­era, an­swer an ice­break­er-ques­ti­on and that's it: you're in the Café.
  3. Now it's ti­me for talk­ing  - Click with your left mou­se but­ton out­si­de your icon to mo­ve around in the Café. To get in con­tact with a con­ver­sa­ti­on part­ner, sim­p­ly mo­ve to­wards them. As soon as you are clo­se, a small circle will ap­pe­ar. All par­ti­ci­pants in this circle are au­to­mat­ic­al­ly brought to­geth­er in a vi­deo chat. If an­oth­er in­ter­est­ing con­ver­sa­ti­on part­ner ap­pears in an­oth­er cor­ner of the Café, just go the­re. A chat func­ti­on al­so al­lows you to wri­te with all peo­ple in the Café or just one per­son at a ti­me.  
  4. Cu­ri­ous?! - Just gi­ve it a try and ex­per­i­en­ce spon­tan­eous­ly get­ting to know each oth­er - even vir­tu­al­ly.


Here you can find a video show­ing you how to us­e the Pass­ive House Café:

The Pass­ive House Café is open for all those in­ter­es­ted. Come and take a look!

Visit the Passive House Café


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