Ses­sion 13

Ses­si­on 13: Non-res­id­en­tial Pass­ive House pro­jects

Wed­nes­day, 7 Oc­to­ber 2020, 5:00 pm

Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er          
5:00 pm Wel­come
Dragomir Tzanev | Chair

5:05 pm

Me­di­cal Cen­ter in Spain: De­sign, con­struc­ti­on and ope­ra­ti­on, first re­sults of mo­ni­to­ring

Lo­cal Me­di­cal Cen­tre in Nor­thern Spain. Usa­ble area 1330 sqm. Open 24/365. 
Keys in non-re­si­den­ti­al Pas­siv­haus: Oc­cu­pa­ti­on. Air re­no­va­ti­on sys­tem, en­er­gy con­sump­ti­on. Buil­ding pha­se, de­al­ing with low bud­get. Ope­ra­ti­on: in use sin­ce Dec. 2019, first re­sults of mo­ni­to­ring: Ach­ie­ved goals, learnt les­son.

Sara Velázquez Arizmendi | VArquitectos


5:20 pm

Clay­ton Heights Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre

Clay­ton Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre is a 76,000 ft2 com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre in Sur­rey, BC, Ca­na­da.  It fea­tu­res in­no­va­ti­ve use of pas­si­ve fea­tu­res to ach­ie­ve ve­ry low ther­mal hea­ting and coo­ling de­man­ds, through op­ti­mi­sed ori­en­ta­ti­on of the buil­ding and its func­tio­nal spaces and au­to­ma­ted na­tu­ral ven­ti­la­ti­on.

Stuart Hood | Integral Group

5:35 pm

Er­ne Cam­pus: In­spi­ring the fu­ture of edu­ca­ti­on

South West Col­le­ge is de­ligh­ted to pre­sent the de­ve­lop­ment of our new Pas­si­ve Hou­se Pre­mi­um col­le­ge cam­pus. The buil­ding is cur­rent­ly in the con­struc­ti­on sta­ge and has pro­gres­sed si­gni­fi­cant­ly to com­ple­ti­on sta­ges ho­we­ver ope­ning has be­en post­po­ned due to the Co­vid 19 out­break to 2021.

Barry Mc Carron | South West College
5:50 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

6:10 pm

Re­du­cing the Goods: In­sight in­to North Ame­ri­ca's first Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­duc­ti­on fa­ci­li­ty

The Li­ving Li­ba­ti­ons Hea­d­quar­ters is North Ame­ri­ca’s first Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­duc­ti­on fa­ci­li­ty. The ex­tre­me cli­ma­te and cli­ent re­qui­re­ments chal­len­ged the de­sign and con­struc­ti­on teams to de­li­ver the goods. The buil­ding per­for­man­ce and oc­cu­pant ex­pe­ri­en­ce ha­ve li­ved up to ex­pec­ta­ti­ons.

Andrew Peel | Peel Passive House Consulting
6:25 pm

AR­TIC 42 - the first Pas­si­ve Hou­se hos­pi­tal fa­ci­li­ty (dia­ly­sis cli­nic) in Fran­ce

This dia­lys­is clin­ic is the first Pass­ive House hos­pit­al fa­cil­ity in France. The clin­ic serves 150 pa­tients, who go through the 4 hours dia­lys­is pro­ced­ure twice or three times per week. The chal­lenges of the pro­ject: high in­tern­al heat loads, vari­ous med­ic­al in­stall­a­tions, dia­lys­is rooms con­struc­ted above a “crawl space”.

Julien rivat_400_z.png
Julien Rivat | 'Atelier RIVAT' architectural agency

6:40 pm

Ap­p­ly­ing Pas­siv­haus ex­pe­ri­en­ce to low cost ar­chi­ve buil­dings: First ye­ar re­sults

The new ar­chi­ve for the Im­pe­ri­al War Mu­se­um achie­ves ex­tre­me­ly sta­ble en­vi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons with mi­ni­mal ener­gy use. The de­sign com­bi­nes the pas­si­ve con­ser­va­ti­on ap­proach de­ve­lo­ped by the la­te Tim Pad­field and col­lea­gues with our ex­pe­ri­ence of Pas­siv­haus de­tai­ling and ex­tre­me­ly low power plant. 

Nick Grant | Elemental Solutions
6:55 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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