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Ses­si­on 3

Ses­si­on 3: So­ci­al Hou­sing and Stu­dent Re­si­den­cies (So­zi­al­woh­nun­gen und Stu­den­ten­wohn­hei­me)

Frei­tag, 10. März 2023, Fo­rum2

In Wies­ba­den, wid auf­ge­zeich­net und nach der Ta­gung den On­li­ne Teil­neh­men­den zur Ver­fü­gung ge­stellt

Eng­li­sche Ses­si­on

Uhr­zeit (MEZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent*in            
13.30 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Sarah Lewis | Passivhaus Trust

13.35 Uhr

Lar­ge Sca­le Pas­siv­haus So­ci­al Hou­sing

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Jesus Menendez | ZE Passivhaus Services Ltd

13.50 Uhr

Les­sons Le­ar­ned: De­li­ve­ry of the 1st Ge­ne­ra­ti­on of Com­plex Ca­na­di­an PH Stu­dent Re­si­dences

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Marine Sanchez | RDH Building Science

14.05 Uhr

Ful­ly Oc­cu­pied Mul­ti­fa­mi­ly PH Buil­dings: How Are They Per­for­ming and What Ha­ve We Le­ar­ned?

The pre­sen­ters ha­ve be­en as­so­cia­ted with the de­sign and com­ple­ti­on of do­zens of Pas­si­ve Hou­se buil­dings. In this pre­sen­ta­ti­on, we will pro­vi­de the de­tails of at least twel­ve buil­dings that ha­ve be­en in ope­ra­ti­on for at least one ye­ar, sha­re what we ha­ve le­ar­ned, and dis­cuss how they are per­for­ming.

Lois Arena & Mark Ginsberg | Steven Winter Associates, Inc.; Curtis & Ginsberg Architects, LLP
14.20 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

14.40 Uhr

UBC Evol­ve: An Aca­de­mic Le­ar­ning Tool for Pas­si­ve Hou­se

Evol­ve is an on-cam­pus mul­ti-fa­mi­ly buil­ding that de­mons­tra­tes the achie­ve­ment of high­per­for­man­ce out­co­mes through in­te­gra­ted pas­si­ve and ac­ti­ve stra­te­gies. The pro­ject is a le­ar­ning tool in the aca­de­mic and in­dus­try set­ting and will in­form how we de­sign and li­ve in the fu­ture.


Iain MacFadyen & Liam Davis & John Madden | ZGF Architects; University of British Columbia
14.55 Uhr

Die ge­mes­se­ne Leis­tung des ers­ten nach dem Pas­siv­haus­stan­dard zer­ti­fi­zier­ten Wohn­ge­bäu­des

This PH buil­ding ope­ra­tes pro­per­ly in the cold cli­ma­tic re­gi­on and shows gre­at ener­gy-sa­ving po­ten­ti­al, mean­whi­le, it al­so pro­vi­des a com­for­ta­ble in­door en­vi­ron­ment. The SHD is on­ly 13.7% of lo­cal con­ven­tio­nal GB buil­dings, re­sul­ting in 86.3% ener­gy sa­vings. The to­tal si­te ener­gy con­sump­ti­on for the who­le buil­ding is on­ly 30.8% of the GB buil­ding. So, PH tech­no­lo­gies can be wi­de­ly pro­mo­ted in cold cli­ma­te zo­ne in Chi­na.

Fei Han | Sino-German Ecopark Passive House Building Technology Co.Ltd.

15.10 Uhr


Air­tight­ness Tes­ting for a Lar­ge Stu­dent Hou­sing PH Pro­ject - A Sto­ry Told in 7 Epi­so­des

RDH per­for­med 7 dif­fe­rent air­tight­ness tests for a $201 mil­li­on uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus Pas­si­ve Hou­se hou­sing pro­ject in Vic­to­ria, Ca­na­da to help the pro­ject team un­der­stand the ac­tu­al air­tight­ness per­for­man­ce of all the com­ponents and as­sem­b­lies whi­le they we­re in­stal­led, and the con­struc­ti­on pro­gres­sed.

Torsten Ely | RDH Building Science Inc.
15.25 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

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