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Ses­si­on 15

Ses­si­on 15: Pas­si­ve Hou­ses in Warm Cli­ma­tes (Pas­siv­häu­ser in war­men Kli­ma­zo­nen)

Sams­tag, 11. März 2023, Fo­rum2

In Wies­ba­den, wird auf­ge­zeich­net und den On­li­ne-Teil­neh­mern nach der Ta­gung on de­mand zur Ver­fü­gung ge­stellt

Eng­li­sche Ses­si­on

Uhr­zeit (MEZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent*in            
14.30 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Kate Nason | Passive House Australia

14.35 Uhr

Six Years of Mo­ni­to­ring of Split Units and Re­ne­wa­ble Sources in Ener­PHit Buil­ding

Mo­ni­to­ring re­sults of an Ener­PHit buil­ding sho­wed that split units can be used to co­ver suf­fi­cient­ly the hea­ting and coo­ling de­mand. The elec­tri­ci­ty con­sump­ti­on of the who­le buil­ding can be co­ver­ed by a small PV sys­tem in the roof and so­lar ther­mal col­lec­tors are sug­ge­s­ted for DHW pre­pa­ra­ti­on.

Georgios Dermentzis | Universität Innsbruck

14.50 Uhr

160 Lucky Fa­mi­lies: Flu­men plus, Pas­siv­haus plus So­ci­al Hou­sing in Spain

Flu­men Plus is a mul­ti-re­si­den­ti­al de­ve­lop­ment of 160 so­ci­al ho­mes, that has re­cent­ly be­en awar­ded the Pas­siv­haus Plus Cer­ti­fi­ca­te. Thanks to in­dus­tria­li­za­ti­on and the op­ti­mi­za­ti­on of re­sources, it has be­en pos­si­ble to build a high-per­for­man­ce buil­ding for peo­ple with low eco­no­mic re­sources.

Guillem Boleda Arizcun | Grupo Lobe

15.05 Uhr

Three Sto­rey Pas­si­ve Hou­se in Lef­ko­nas, Ser­res, Gree­ce

The 253s­qm three sto­rey hou­se is built on a lar­ge slo­pe and it meets the needs of the fi­ve-mem­ber fa­mi­ly who is li­ving in. Its de­sign fol­lows the prin­cip­les of Bio­cli­ma­tic Prin­cip­les and it is op­ti­mi­zed to achie­ve ma­xi­mum ener­gy sa­vings whi­le all the cri­te­ria for a Pas­si­ve Hou­se are met.

Leonidas Nassis | Leonidas Nassis
15.20 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

15.40 Uhr

The Path to one of the first Pas­siv­haus in Ar­gen­ti­na

Buil­ding a Pas­siv­haus in Ar­gen­ti­na ta­kes en­thu­si­asm, skill and de­ter­mi­na­ti­on. This pa­per tells the sto­ry of how a vi­sio­na­ry cli­ent and a com­pe­tent lo­cal team ma­na­ged to build a cer­tify a first of a kind Pas­siv­haus in Ar­gen­ti­na. 

Pedro Reyna | Superficie

15.55 Uhr

De­mons­tra­ti­ve Pro­ject of Step-by-Step Ener­gy Re­tro­fit of So­ci­al Hou­sing in Hot Dry Cli­ma­te

A pi­lot pro­ject was com­ple­ted in a hot dry cli­ma­te of Me­xi­co to ener­gy re­tro­fit so­ci­al hou­sing with no pre­vious ener­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy mea­su­res. Three bund­les we­re in­stal­led to iden­tify the tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic fea­si­bi­li­ty (sub­si­dy + cre­dit) of de­ve­lo­ping a so­ci­al hou­sing re­tro­fit af­for­da­ble so­lu­ti­on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Salvador Rodriguez-Kuri | GOPA-Infra
16.10 Uhr

La Dia­ni­ta Pas­siv­haus

The DIA­NI­TA is the first cer­ti­fied pas­si­ve hou­se in Ar­gen­ti­na. Lo­ca­ted in Mar del Pla­ta, its cli­ma­te is "WARM". I am ve­ry plea­sed to be ab­le to pre­sent the de­ve­lop­ment we are car­ry­ing out and to en­cou­ra­ge our La­tin Ame­ri­can col­lea­gues to con­ti­nue de­ve­lo­ping the stan­dard in our re­gi­on.

Paolo Massacesi | ILPAH
16.25 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 16


Zu Session 14