
Ses­si­on 2: Sus­tain­ab­il­ity scen­ari­os

Fri­day, 10 Sep­tem­ber 2021


What role(s) can the Pass­ive House play in the trans­ition to­wards a sus­tain­able so­ci­ety? This ses­sion ad­dresses the big ques­tions of sus­tain­able liv­ing, en­ergy sup­ply and liv­ing and work­ing in a fu­ture - hope­fully - cli­mate neut­ral world. The speak­ers will of­fer solu­tions for scen­ari­os in which the Pass­ive House stand­ard makes an im­port­ant con­tri­bu­tion to achiev­ing cli­mate neut­ral­ity and en­vir­on­ment­ally friendly liv­ing.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er           
1:30 pm Wel­come  

1:35 pm

Glob­al car­bon-budget for build­ings

Glob­al car­bon budgets for build­ings are an ef­fect­ive cri­terion for the pur­pose of ev­al­u­at­ing fu­ture cli­mate pro­tec­tion strategies. The stand­still in per cap­ita emis­sions since 2005 means that the Pass­ive House concept alone is no longer suf­fi­cient to re­li­ably achieve the 2 de­gree tar­get in the build­ing sec­tor.

Rainer Vallentin | Vallentin + Reichmann Architekten

1:50 pm

Co-work­ing space as a Pass­ive House
Jörg vom Stein | energiebüro vom Stein GmbH

2:05 pm

Pass­ive House Stand­ard in straw-bale con­struc­tion for in­creased sus­tain­ab­il­ity & cli­mate pro­tec­tion

Straw-bale con­struc­tion is not only a means of meet­ing the Pass­ive House Stand­ard, but is also one of the most sus­tain­able build­ing meth­ods we know. Straw-bale build­ings have very low primary en­ergy re­quire­ments and glob­al warm­ing po­ten­tial, and the ma­ter­i­al is read­ily avail­able and easy to re­turn to ma­ter­i­al cycles.

Susanne Körner | Architekturbüro Shaktihaus
2:20 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

2:40 pm

Se­cure sup­ply dur­ing dark doldrums – Pass­ive Houses as ad­di­tion­al power plants (grids)!

Power plants are usu­ally seen as hold­ing the key to resolv­ing the chal­lenges presen­ted by dark doldrums. A simple, scal­able spread­sheet il­lus­trates how build­ings greatly ex­acer­bate the is­sue of dark doldrums, but can also play a huge role in over­com­ing it – as long as they are in­su­lated in line with Pass­ive House re­quire­ments.

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Bernd Steinmüller | BSMC
2:55 pm From Pass­ive House “Clas­sic” to Pass­ive House “Eco” to Pass­ive House “Zero”
Simone Kreutzer Wesslund | IG Passivhus Sverige

3:10 pm

Is be­com­ing cli­mate-neut­ral real­ist­ic?
We dis­cuss wheth­er it is pos­sible to achieve the tar­gets of the Ger­man Cli­mate Change Act for school build­ings in the Darm­stadt-Dieburg dis­trict. The CO2 sav­ings provided by cur­rent pro­jects are ana­lysed and ex­tra­pol­ated to cov­er the en­tire build­ing stock in or­der to fa­cil­it­ate this dis­cus­sion. 

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Oliver Ottinger | Da-Di-Werk, Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg
3:25 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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