
"2021 Pas­si­ve Hou­se Award"


The Pass­ive House Award is an In­ter­na­tion­al ar­chi­tec­tur­al com­pet­i­tion for highly en­ergy ef­fi­cient build­ings.
Build­ing Pass­ive means build­ing bet­ter! In the face of ad­van­cing cli­mate change, en­ergy ef­fi­cient build­ing is now im­port­ant than ever. The "2021 Pass­ive House Award" will show how the Pass­ive House stand­ard can be im­ple­men­ted in an ar­chi­tec­tur­ally soph­ist­ic­ated and ver­sat­ile way. The jury will pay par­tic­u­lar at­ten­tion to the in­teg­ra­tion of re­new­able en­ergy in the pro­jects.
The Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te is the or­gan­iz­ing body of the 2021 Pass­ive House Award. An in­ter­na­tion­al jury will ex­am­ine the entries and judge them on cri­ter­ia such as design, cost-ef­fect­ive­ness, in­nov­a­tion, en­ergy sup­ply and sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

All in­form­a­tion about the cri­ter­ia, con­di­tions of par­ti­cip­a­tion or the on­line plat­form can be found on the Web­site of the Pass­ive House Award. You can also already find out who the amaz­ing fi­nal­ists are.
The win­ners were presen­ted at the awards ce­re­mony as part of the 25th In­terna­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Wup­per­tal on 10 Septem­ber 2021. The ce­re­mony took place on-site and was be broad­cas­ted via live-stream.