Ses­sion 6

Ses­si­on 6: Eco­lo­gic­al con­struc­tion ma­ter­i­als

Sat­urday, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2021


The pass­ive house stand­ard con­trib­utes to en­vir­on­ment­al pro­tec­tion with its ex­tremely low heat­ing en­ergy re­quire­ments - in ad­di­tion, the build­ing ma­ter­i­als used in the pro­jects can be ev­al­u­ated and bal­anced. This bal­ance of grey en­ergy is in­flu­en­ced by the type of build­ing ma­ter­i­al as well as oth­er factors such as its dur­ab­il­ity or the ori­gin of the ma­ter­i­al. The speak­ers in this ses­sion will ex­plore areas of ex­pert­ise such as build­ing with wood as a re­new­able re­source, life cycle as­sess­ments of the ma­ter­i­als used and ap­proaches to suc­cess­fully re­cycle them.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er           

10:00 am

Matthias_Wohlfahrt_v2(Fotoquelle_proKlima_T.Kupas).jpg klein.jpg
Matthias Wohlfahrt | proKlima-Der enercity-Fonds

10:05 am

Life cycle bal­ances of Pass­ive House build­ing com­pon­ents

The en­ergy de­mand for op­er­a­tion and pro­duc­tion should be con­sidered in the cal­cu­la­tion of the li­fe­cycle en­ergy de­mand, while the em­bod­ied cal­or­if­ic en­ergy should not. Se­lect­ing suit­able build­ing ma­ter­i­als can re­duce the en­ergy de­mand for pro­duc­tion to a third. Cred­it notes can be ob­tained by tak­ing the end of life in­to ac­count.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).

Benjamin Krick | Passivhaus Institut

10:20 am

Tak­ing the Pass­ive House concept even fur­ther – con­sump­tion in op­er­a­tion and im­pact on build­ings

The use of re­cyc­lable build­ing ma­ter­i­als is the next im­port­ant and in­dis­pens­able step for the sus­tain­able con­struc­tion in­dustry. Such con­cepts have the po­ten­tial to re­duce the use of build­ing ma­ter­i­als, CO2 emis­sions and en­ergy con­sump­tion throughout the en­tire li­fe­cycle of a build­ing.

Martin Aichholzer | FH Campus Wien

10:35 am

Ärzte­haus Wald­bröl med­ic­al centre cel­eb­rates 20 years of proven sus­tain­ab­il­ity – a pro­gress re­port

The pass­ive house concept in com­bin­a­tion with eco­lo­gic­al and healthy ma­ter­i­als could already be real­ised 20 years ago with com­par­at­ively low ad­di­tion­al costs. A key find­ing was that this was made pos­sible by suf­fi­cient plan­ning time and in­teg­ral plan­ning with clear spe­cif­ic­a­tions on the part of the build­ing own­ers.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).

Jörg Linnig | Ingenieurbüro EUKON


10:50 am Ques­tion and An­swer  
11:10 am

Timbered Pass­ive House – a hol­ist­ic ev­al­u­ation

A sim­u­la­tion-based ana­lys­is was used to as­sess pass­ive and act­ive meas­ures for build­ing con­di­tion­ing as well as con­struc­tion meth­ods (ma­ter­i­als of build­ing struc­ture) for a multi-fam­ily house built to the Pass­ive House Stand­ard with re­gard to com­fort in sum­mer and fi­nal en­ergy de­mand.

Katharina Prinzing | Universität Innsbruck

11:25 am

Us­ing the nat­ur­al re­source wood in con­struct­ing timbered Pass­ive Houses

Wooden build­ings con­trib­ute con­sid­er­ably to CO2 re­duc­tion. Us­ing wood in a re­source-friendly man­ner should help con­struct as many wooden build­ings as pos­sible in­stead of ma­sonry build­ings. In sol­id tim­ber con­struc­tion, three times the amount of wood is used com­pared to tim­ber frame con­struc­tion.

Gerrit Horn | bau.werk - Energie bewusst gestalten
11:40 am

Re­cyc­lable Pass­ive Houses – con­struc­tion and ev­al­u­ation with the Urb­an Min­ing In­dex

Pass­ive Houses provide the best con­di­tions for cli­mate-neut­ral build­ings. But are they also suited for the Cir­cu­lar Eco­nomy? In her art­icle, Dr. Anja Rosen de­mon­strates how the cir­cu­lar­ity of build­ings can be as­sessed with the Urb­an Min­ing In­dex, us­ing the ex­ample of the Neue Burse Wup­per­tal stu­dent res­id­en­ce (ACMS, 2004).

Anja Rosen | Bergische Universität Wuppertal
11.55 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

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