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The fol­low­ing work­shops are offered in the sup­port­ing pro­gramme of the 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce:


         Wed­nes­day, 3 April 2024:

  • MORN­ING - out­PHit: Fast and deep build­ing ren­ov­a­tion
  • AF­TER­NOON - out­PHit: Sim­pli­fied mon­it­or­ing concept, veri­fied per­form­ance cer­ti­fic­a­tion and res­ults ev­al­u­ation
  • AF­TER­NOON - Work­shop: Pass­ive House Qual­ity Win­dows in South­ern Europe and Lat­in Amer­ica - ENG­LISH & SPAN­ISH


          Thursday, 4 April 2024:

  • MORN­ING - out­PHit: Spe­cial work­shop for man­u­fac­tur­ers and plan­ners - GER­MAN ONLY
  • AF­TER­NOON - out­PHit: Spe­cial work­shop for loc­al ad­min­is­trati­nos and hous­ing com­pan­ies - GER­MAN ONLY



out­PHIt: Fast and de­ep buil­ding re­no­va­ti­on

Wed­nes­day, 3 April 2024, 9.00 am un­til 1.00 pm
Room: "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS10)



This work­shop will in­tro­du­ce par­ti­ci­pants to spe­ci­fic ques­ti­ons around fast and de­ep en­er­gy re­tro­fits. What is the cur­rent am­bi­ti­on of EU po­li­cy and your mem­ber state, how does the En­er­PHit stan­dard fit in and what are its ad­van­ta­ges? Which fac­tors are to be con­si­de­red when choo­sing eit­her con­ven­tio­nal or pre-fa­bri­ca­ted re­no­va­ti­on ap­proa­ches? What are de­sign re­com­men­da­ti­ons for the buil­ding en­ve­lo­pe and the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of me­cha­ni­cal equip­ment? How should re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy gains be as­ses­sed, in­clu­ding bat­te­ries or em­bo­died en­er­gy us­ing new PHPP-add-on-tools de­ve­lo­ped in out­PHit? Part of the work­shop will be hands-on ex­er­ci­ses with PHPP, a free li­cen­se of the tool is the­re­by in­clu­ded in the work­shop par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on.




Workshop participation fees (incl. VAT)

Regular:                  €180
iPHA members:     €150
Students:                 Free



out­PHIt: Sim­pli­fied mo­ni­to­ring con­cept, ve­ri­fied per­for­man­ce cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and re­sults eva­lua­ti­on

Wed­nes­day, 3 April 2024, 2.00 pm un­til 6.30 pm
Room: "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS10)



Join this work­shop to learn mo­re about the sim­pli­fied mo­ni­to­ring con­cept that was de­ve­lo­ped in the EU fun­ded out­PHit pro­ject. Which sen­sors can be used, which da­ta is pro­ces­sed and how? What is the con­cept be­hind the con­nec­ti­on of sen­sors and smart me­tres to the PHI da­ta­ba­se and how does the Ve­ri­fied Per­for­man­ce Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on work? How should the buil­ding per­for­man­ce af­ter the con­struc­ti­on or re­no­va­ti­on be eva­lua­ted us­ing the PHPP mo­ni­to­ring works­heet? This work­shop will gi­ve you de­tai­led in­sights in­to the de­tails of the sim­pli­fied mo­ni­to­ring ap­proach and the trai­ning ma­te­ri­als de­ve­lo­ped. Par­ti­ci­pants will do hands-on ex­er­ci­ses with PHPP. A free li­cen­se of the tool is the­re­fo­re in­clu­ded in the work­shop par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on.




Workshop participation fees (incl. VAT)

Regular:                  €180
iPHA members:     €150
Students:                 Free



Pass­ive House Qual­ity Win­dows in South­ern Europe and Lat­in Amer­ica

Wed­nes­day, 3 April 2024, 2.00 pm un­til 6.30 pm
Room: "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS11)


This work­shop - or­gan­ised by IL­APH/PHI/smartwin - is ded­ic­ated to the de­vel­op­ment and im­ple­ment­a­tion of Pass­ive House win­dows in South­ern Europe and Lat­in Amer­ica. A hands-on part will in­tro­duce par­ti­cipants to suit­able win­dow qual­ity and ex­plain how to ana­lyse and op­tim­ise win­dows for warm-tem­per­ate, warm or hot cli­mates. Futh­er­more, the work­shop will in­form about the state of the art and avail­ab­il­ity of PH-solu­tions in Lat­in Amer­ica and show built ex­amples that de­mon­strate the be­ne­fits and im­ple­ment­a­tion of suit­able PH-con­cepts in south­ern coun­tries.


Note: Work­shop par­ti­cipants have the op­por­tun­ity to bring along their own pro­jects (provid­ing the fol­low­ing in­form­a­tion about the build­ing: loc­a­tion, ori­ent­a­tion, façade areas and treated floor area). More in­form­a­tion will be giv­en after re­gis­tra­tion.

With kind sup­port from




Work­shop par­ti­cip­a­tion is free of charge but you are re­quired to re­gister for the event. More information on how you can register will follow soon!


At­ten­tion: The workshop participants need a valid PHPP licence (if necessary, the licence can be purchased on site)!


Please register by sending an email to


Please note that the workshop language is English (Part I) and Spanish (Part II).



out­PHIt: Spe­cial work­shop for man­u­fac­tur­ers and plan­ners - GER­MAN ONLY

Thursday, 4 April 2024, 9.00 am un­til 1.00 pm
Room: "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS11)



Part I (9.00 am - 10.45 am):

Well thought-out and suit­able re­fur­bish­ment sys­tems are cru­cial for car­ry­ing out build­ing re­fur­bish­ments quickly and with high en­ergy ef­fi­ciency. This man­u­fac­turer work­shop will there­fore high­light the main chal­lenges iden­ti­fied in the EU-fun­ded out­PHit pro­ject with re­gard to thermal bridges and air­tight­ness in the course of seri­al and semi-seri­al build­ing re­fur­bish­ments. Par­ti­cipants will also learn about the re­quire­ments for the cer­ti­fic­a­tion of en­tire build­ing re­fur­bish­ment sys­tems, which was newly de­ve­loped in the out­PHit pro­ject.


Part II (11.15 am - 1.00 pm):

The most sus­tain­able as­pect of build­ing re­fur­bish­ment is un­doubtedly the sig­ni­fic­ant re­duc­tion in a build­ing's en­ergy re­quire­ments. However, the re­fur­bish­ment meas­ures them­selves also have the po­ten­tial to be­come more sus­tain­able. The second part of this work­shop there­fore presents ex­amples of the use of eco­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­als in build­ing re­fur­bish­ment and ex­plains how the life cycle as­sess­ment of re­fur­bish­ment meas­ures can be de­term­in­ed, tak­ing in­to ac­count op­er­at­ing and pro­duc­tion en­ergy.

You are wel­come to at­tend both parts of this work­shop or just one of them!









Work­shop par­ti­cip­a­tion is free of charge but you are re­quired to re­gister for the event.


Please note that the workshop language is German.



out­PHIt: Spe­cial work­shop for loc­al ad­min­is­tra­tions and hous­ing com­pan­ies - GER­MAN ONLY

Thursday, 4 April 2024, 2.00 pm un­til 6.30 pm
Room: "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS11)



 Part I (2.00 pm - 4.00 pm):

The first part of this work­shop is par­tic­u­larly rel­ev­ant for rep­res­ent­at­ives of loc­al ad­min­is­tra­tions. It provides par­ti­cipants with an ini­tial/in-depth over­view of the im­ple­ment­a­tion of pub­lic build­ing pro­jects to the Pass­ive House stand­ard or as En­erPHit re­fur­bish­ments. The spe­cial fea­tures, po­ten­tials and ad­vant­ages of these two stand­ar­ds will be high­lighted. Par­ti­cipants will then learn spe­cif­ic strategies for the suc­cess­ful, highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient im­ple­ment­a­tion of their build­ing pro­jects by look­ing at ex­amples of suc­cess­ful pub­lic pro­jects in which in­di­vidu­al meas­ures have en­abled a sig­ni­fic­ant im­prove­ment in build­ing com­fort as well as sig­ni­fic­ant en­ergy sav­ings in op­er­a­tion.


Part II (4.30 pm - 6.30 pm):

The second part of the work­shop will fo­cus spe­cif­ic­ally on the seri­al re­fur­bish­ment of so­cial hous­ing and is there­fore aimed in par­tic­u­lar at pub­lic and private hous­ing com­pan­ies. Dif­fer­en­ces to non-PH/En­erPHit pro­jects in terms of re­du­cing thermal bridges and en­sur­ing air­tight­ness will be presen­ted and fur­ther chal­lenges in high-qual­ity build­ing re­fur­bish­ments to the En­erPHit stand­ard will be dis­cussed. Par­ti­cipants will also learn how vent­il­a­tion con­cepts and sus­tain­able heat sup­ply can be taken in­to ac­count dur­ing re­fur­bish­ment. The the­or­et­ic­al know­ledge trans­fer is roun­ded off by present­a­tions of suc­cess­ful seri­al En­erPHit re­fur­bish­ments that have already been car­ried out.


You are wel­come to at­tend both parts of this work­shop or just one of them!








Work­shop par­ti­cip­a­tion is free of charge but you are re­quired to re­gister for the event.


Please note that the workshop language is German.



BIM in­ter­faces for Pass­ive House and En­erPHit

Wed­nes­day, 3 April 2024, 9.00 am un­til 1.00 pm
Room: "Tech­nik" Cam­pus (Build­ing 21, HS11)


More de­tailed in­form­a­tion on this work­shop will fol­low shortly!



Workshop participation fees (incl. VAT)

Regular:                  TBA
iPHA members:     TBA
Students:                TBA


Tickets for this workshop will become available soon