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Build­ing Tours

ON­LINE - Build­ing tour


This year we again provided in­sights in­to cur­rent pass­ive house pro­jects that have been built. The build­ing tours took place on­line only in video format on Sunday, 12 Septem­ber 2021, 5.00 pm CEST in the Of­fen­bach-Saal ON­LINE. The build­ing tours were part of the con­fer­en­ce tick­et and were offered in Ger­man and Eng­lish.

Pass­ive House stand­ard in Wup­per­tal...

New build­ing of a dis­trict centre - New con­struc­tion of a single-fam­ily pre­fab­ric­ated house - New ex­ten­sion of a school - Sol­ar­dec­ath­lon - In­ner-city new build­ing with res­id­en­tial and com­mer­cial use - New build­ing of stu­dent apart­ments

... and all over the world

The video format gave us the op­por­tun­ity to also show pass­ive house pro­jects from all over the world. Via our con­fer­en­ce plat­form, par­ti­cipants could also ex­change in­form­a­tion and ask ques­tions dir­ec­tly with the build­ers and ar­chi­tects.




Vari­oWohnen Wup­per­tal Frau Hil­li­er
Maler­straße - Bau­grup­pen­pro­jekt, Wup­per­tal Frau Schacht
Sol­ar Dec­ath­lon Europe 2021/2022 Wup­per­tal Dr. Daniel Lorberg
part­ner­HAUS Passivhaus, Wup­per­tal Anna Kauf­hold
Cer­ti­fied PHI Low En­ergy Build­ing: Of­fice, Ro­mania Mari­us Sof­lete
Stadtteilzen­trum Passivhaus, Wup­per­tal Dr. Ing. Lars K. Knutzen


Every present­a­tion will be fol­lowed by a short Q&A-Ses­sion. 




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