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List of sessions

Opening plenary

Friday, 5 April 2024, 09:00 a.m.
Room: Hörsaal A, Technikerstr. 25
Language: English/German (with live translation into English)

Time Title Presenter
09:00 a.m. Welcome Laszlo Lepp | Passivhaus Institut
09:05 a.m. Greetings (among others: MMag. Dr. Cornelia Hagele, Provincial Councillor of the Province of Tyrol; Prof. Dr. Gregor Weihs, Vice Rector of the University of Innsbruck) Laszlo Lepp | Passivhaus Institut
09:40 a.m. Energy-efficient retrofit - NOW! Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Feist; Dr. Jürgen Schnieders; Jan Steiger | Passivhaus Institut
10:20 a.m. Passivhaus = 42? Or is it the ultimate answer to crises, climate change, the universe, and everything? Prof. Dr. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz | IPCC Vice-Chair, Central European University

List of sessions