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Keynote-speaker plenary

Saturday, 6 April 2024, 08:45 a.m.
Room: Hörsaal A, Technikerstr. 25
Language: German (with live translation into English)

Time Title Presenter
08:45 a.m. Welcome Wolfgang Streicher | Universität Innsbruck
08:50 a.m. Mandatory Passivehouse – The Massachusetts Story Paul Ormond, M.S. | Department of Energy Resources (DOER) at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
09:15 a.m. Away from oil and gas! Getting ready for the Renewable Energy Package with EnerPHit DI Helmut Schöberl | Schöberl & Pöll GmbH
09:40 a.m. Greetings Georg Willi, Mayor of the City of Innsbruck
09:45 a.m. The transformation of the heat energy supply has started: Buildings and districts today and tomorrow Klimaschutzministerin (Austrian Minister for Climate Action) Leonore Gewessler, BA

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