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List of sessions

Session: Non-residential buildings in Passive House standard

Friday, 5 April 2024, 04:15 p.m.
Room: HSB1, Technikerstr. 13b
Language: English

Time Title Presenter
04:15 p.m. Welcome Gerhard Kopeinig | ARCH+MORE Ziviltechniker
04:20 p.m. Passive House schools in Sweden - In a class of their own Tommy Kreutzer Wesslund | IG Passivhus Sverige
04:45 p.m. Large passive public buildings in Poland Andrzej Górka | Polski Instytut Budownictwa Pasywnego i Energii Odnawialnej Imienia Güntera Schlagowskiego Sp.z o.o.
05:10 p.m. St Sidwell’s Point Leisure Centre: Airtightness delivery & one year of in-use energy performance Paul Jennings | Jennings Aldas (2019) Limited; Steve Booth | Kier Construction - Western and Wales; Jessica Grove-Smith | Passivhaus Institut
05:35 p.m. Research on the applicability of Passive House in large hotel buildings Xiaotong Gao | Sino-German Ecopark Passive House Building Technology Co., LTD
06:00 p.m. Timber Passivhaus kindergarten, fast, healthy and safe Esteban Pardo Calderon | Iglu Energy Savings S.L.
06:25 p.m. Q&A Gerhard Kopeinig | ARCH+MORE Ziviltechniker

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