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Session: outPHit - serial renovation following EnerPHit principles

Saturday, 6 April 2024, 02:15 p.m.
Room: Großer Hörsaal, Technikerstr. 13b
Language: German (with live translation into English)

Time Title Presenter
02:15 p.m. Welcome Étienne Vekemans | propassif France
02:20 p.m. Serial refurbishment to PH standard Tanja Schulz | Passivhaus Institut
02:45 p.m. Evaluation of the sound emissions of multiple split heat pumps in a renovation project Jürgen Fink; William Monteleone | Universität Innsbruck
03:10 p.m. ENERGIESPRONG PLUS: Gaining momentum for refurbishment, climate neutrality, urban development, architecture and accessibility Michael Kölmel | Zeller Kölmel Architekten GmbH
03:35 p.m. Renovation of a farmhouse and conversion into a multi-generational home in Trins, Gschnitztal, Austria Michael Flach | Universität Innsbruck
04:00 p.m. Serial renovation as a continuously improving process Franz Freundorfer | pro Passivhausfenster GmbH
04:25 p.m. Q&A Étienne Vekemans | propassif France

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