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outPHit workshop: Communication and dissemination for Passive House

Freitag, 5. April 2024, 16:15 Uhr
Raum: HSB2, Technikerstr. 13b
Sprache: Englisch

Zeit Titel Referent*in
16:15 Begrüßung Sarah Mekjian l Climate Alliance
16:20 Plataforma de Edificación Passivhaus: 15 years promoting the Passivhaus standard in Spain Leonardo Llamas Álvarez | Plataforma de Edificación Passivhaus
16:40 Scotland’s Education Estate: Policy ambitions at scale with Passivhaus – Re-visited & Passivhaus equivalent standard for Scotland Sarah Lewis | UK Passivhaus Trust; Ann-Marie Fallon | Ceartgoleor Architects
17:00 Upskilling the development sector in Australia Clare Parry | Development Victoria
17:20 Diskussionsrunde Sarah Mekjian l Climate Alliance
17:30 Campagne project: Passive houses to enable Positive Energy District Elisa Venturi | Universität Innsbruck
17:50 Sustainability assessment of residential projects – program “Mi hogar eficiente” from BBVA Mexico José Marcelino García Gutiérrez | BBVA Mexico; Susanne Theumer; Elena Reyes Bernal | Passivhaus Institut
18:10 The power of YouTube in making people aware of energy efficiency NOW! Marius Eremia Soflete | Creative Engineering Romania
18:30 Diskussionsrunde Sarah Mekjian l Climate Alliance

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