Every year, more than one hundred contributions on Passive House projects from all over the world are submitted via the Call for Papers to the International Passive House Conference. An independent Scientific Advisory Board evaluates the numerous submissions and selects 40 to 50 contributions based on a ranking during the advisory board meetings which usually span several days. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the commitment of our Conference Advisory Board this year! You can look forward to an exciting programme!
Djahanschah, Sabine | Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU
Trebut, Franziska | ÖGUT - Austrian Society for Environment and Technology
Tribus, Michael | Michael Tribus Architecture
Vekemans, Étienne | propassif France
Vogt, Anne | VAND arquitectura
Fourth session of the Scientific Advisory Board meetings, 20 October 2023
The following thematic groups served as starting points for this year's Call for Papers. However, we generally accept all contributions which highlight that passive houses are key in achieving a more sustainable, climate-friendly built environment in the future.