Save the date: 28th International Passive House Conference 24 + 25 April in Essen (Germany)

The next In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce will take place in the "Haus der Tech­nik" in Es­sen, Ger­many, on 24 - 25 April 2026. Un­der the motto "Driv­ing Trans­form­a­tion with En­ergy Ef­fi­ciency!," the con­fer­en­ce will again bring to­geth­er hun­dreds of en­thu­si­ast­ic, in­nov­at­ive build­ing ex­perts from all over the world. To­geth­er we will take fur­ther steps to­wards our goal of a cli­mate-friendly and fu­ture-proof build­ing stock!

"Urban Passivhaus – working within existing urban layouts" a presentation by Phil Catcheside Session: Special EnerPHit renovation concepts
iPHA dinner The dinner is hosted by the International Passive House Association on Saturday, 6 April. Seize this great opportunity to network and reflect on the two conference days in a laid-back and fun environment with delicious vegetarian food!
Workshops! 3 + 4 April 2024 Innsbruck Deepen your Passive House knowledge on specific topics during our additional workshops in the run-up to the 27th International Passive House Conference!
"Historic rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of mid-century modern Armstrong Rubber Company" a presentation by Dragos-Ionut Arnautu Session: Special EnerPHit renovation concepts
Building Tours Join us on one of the fol­low­ing in­sight­ful tours to ex­cit­ing Pass­ive House pro­jects in the Inns­bruck area!
"Cool comfort in sunny Málaga: multi-family Passivhaus for warm climates" a presentation by Juan Manuel Castaño Salvador SESSION: Passive House projects in challenging climates
"Retrofitting the Mayerhof with prefabricated, bio-insulated wood stand elements" a presentation by Michael Flach Session: outPHit - serial renovation following EnerPHit principles
Early bird offer extended until 4 February! The extension applies to both, conference tickets and exhibition booths. Check out the updated sketch of the exhibition area as well!