Build­ing Tours

Join us on one of the fol­low­ing in­sight­ful tours to ex­cit­ing Pass­ive House pro­jects in the Inns­bruck area!

The build­ing tours on Sunday, 7 April, are of­fer­ed in Ger­man with a spon­tan­eous Eng­lish trans­la­tion. The tour tick­ets in­clude lunch as well as the bus trans­fer from the meet­ing point to the build­ing pro­jects and back / to the main sta­tion (Ex­cep­tion: The walk­ing tour in­cludes an ad­min­is­trat­ive fee but no lunch or bus trans­port).

Please be aware that there may still be small (time) changes in the sched­ule!


 Tour name   


 Time           Price
This ex­cur­sion takes you to three in­sight­ful pro­jects of the hous­ing so­ci­ety Neue Heimat Tir­ol. You will vis­it a re­tire­ment home (Wohnheim Olympisches Dorf, new-built), a res­id­en­tial block cur­rently in the fi­nal phases of con­struc­tion (IN­188/189) as well as a res­id­en­tial Pass­ive House from 1954/55 re­fur­bished as part of the SIN­FONIA pro­gramme (IN­22/23). Have a look at the tour fly­er!

 8.15 am
  4.15 pm

 € 90      
In this ex­cur­sion, you will get to know a PH primary school (Volksschule Neu Ar­zl, new-built), a re­fur­bished so­cial hous­ing com­plex from the 1940s (Sill­b­lock, re­fur­bish­ment), and a mixed-use Pass­ive House neigh­bour­hood (Cam­pagne Areal A-B, new-built) - all con­struc­ted by the hous­ing so­ci­ety Inns­bruck­er Im­mob­i­li­en IIG. Have a look at the tour fly­er!  8.15 am
 4.15 pm
€ 90
Uni­ver­sal Tour If you are keen on learn­ing more about the En­erPHit re­fur­bish­ment of a uni­versity build­ing right on the "Tech­nik" cam­pus where the 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive Con­fer­en­ce takes place, this is the right ex­cur­sion for you! In ad­di­tion, you will vis­it a prize-win­ning En­erPHit ret­ro­fit of a res­id­en­tial build­ing in Völs as well as an­ in­spir­ing multi-storey multi-fam­ily PH dwell­ing (Bi­en­er­str., new-built). Have a look at the tour fly­er! 8.15 am
4.00 pm
€ 90
"Net­Walk­ing" Tour                     This spe­cial tour is per­fect for every­body primar­ily in­ter­es­ted in net­work­ing and en­joy­ing the at­mo­sphere of Inns­bruck. To­geth­er, we will take a stroll of just un­der 2km to the well-known Pass­ive House beacon pro­jects Loden­areal and the SIN­FONIA re­fur­bish­ments IN­28 and IN­43 - just to name a few. We will show you an in­spir­ing area of Inns­bruck that is packed with highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient build­ings. Let us re­min­isce about past suc­cesses, share our ex­per­i­en­ces with cur­rent pro­jects, and maybe come up with plans for fruit­ful col­lab­or­a­tions in the fu­ture! (Note: In this tour, we will ex­am­ine the build­ings from the out­side only! The tick­et price in­cludes the ad­min­is­trat­ive fee but no lunch. Par­ti­cipants can either bring their own lunch or buy a meal dur­ing the tour.) Have a look at the tour fly­er!

9.45 am


 3.00 pm

€ 15

