Scientific Advisory Board 2026
For every International Passive House Conference, we receive more than one hundred contributions on Passive House and EnerPHit projects from all over the world. The independent Scientific Advisory Board evaluates the submissions and then selects 40 to 50 contributions based on a ranking procedure in the course of their advisory board meetings which usually span several days. You can look forward to an exciting programme!
- Djahanschah, Sabine | Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU
- Ebel, Witta | Passive House Institute
- Feist, Wolfgang | Passive House Institute
- Kopeinig, Gerhard | ARCH+MORE Ziviltechniker
- Krick, Benjamin | City of Riedstadt
- Lepp, Laszlo | PHI Österreich
- Mobers, Dirk | Verbraucherzentrale NRW
- Pallantzas, Stefan | Hellenic Passive House Institute
- Pfluger, Rainer | University of Innsbruck
- Ploß, Martin | Energy Agency Vorarlberg
- Reyes, Elena | Passive House Institute
- Sheng, Sichen | PowerChina Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute - SEPD
- Simader, Günter | Austrian Energy Agency
- Steiger, Jan | Passive House Institute
- Steinmüller, Bernd | BSMC
- Streicher, Wolfgang | University of Innsbruck
- Theumer, Susanne | Passive House Institute
- Trebut, Franziska | ÖGUT - Austrian Society for Environment and Technology
- Tribus, Michael | Michael Tribus Architecture
- Vekemans, Étienne | propassif France
- Vogt, Anne | VAND arquitectura

The following thematic groups served as starting points for this year's Call for Papers. We also accepted other contributions as long as they focused on Passive Houses, EnerPHit modernisations, and the way towards a more sustainable and resilient building sector.
- Energy efficiency NOW!
- PH / EnerPHit for city districts
- Prefabrication for PH and EnerPHit projects
- Energy efficiency and renewables
- PH concepts under challenging climatic conditions
- Keeping cool: passive and active cooling solutions
- Highly energy-efficient non-residential buildings
- Tools and methods for implementation
- Heat pumps and split units for deep retrofits
- Highest energy efficiency for staged renovation projects