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Ses­sion 16

Ses­si­on 16: Pro­mo­tion of Pass­ive House Ideas

Sat­urday, 11th March 2023, Stu­dio 2.2 B-D

In Wies­baden, will be re­cor­ded and provided on de­mand to the on­line par­ti­cipants after the con­fer­en­ce

Eng­lish ses­sion

Time (CET) Lec­ture Speak­er           
2.30 pm Wel­come
Steinmüller NEU.png
Bernd Steinmüller | BSMC

2.35 pm

Ci­ty­wi­de Stu­dy for the De­car­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of Cam­bridge's Pri­va­te Hou­sing Stock

A stu­dy to pro­vi­de tech­ni­cal and cost gui­dance to Cam­bridge Ci­ty Coun­cil in re­tro­fit­ting all pri­va­te ho­mes in the ci­ty of Cam­bridge to ze­ro car­bon stan­dard. The out­puts con­sis­ted of an in­ter­nal re­port for the Lo­cal Au­t­ho­ri­ty and an ex­ter­nal pu­blic gui­de for re­si­dents wis­hing to re­tro­fit their ho­mes.

Alex Towler | Transition by Design

2.50 pm


Op­ti­mi­sed Pa­thways for UK Schools to Re­ach Net Ze­ro Car­bon in Steps Us­ing Pas­siv­haus Tools

RAFT would li­ke to sha­re its work on the­se three schools that ha­ve be­en plan­ned as a who­le school step-by-step re­tro­fit and exe­cu­ted us­ing Pas­siv­haus tools and me­tho­do­lo­gy. The aim is to bring the­se schools as clo­se to En­er­PHit stan­dard as pos­si­ble wi­thin the cur­rent fun­ding me­cha­nisms.

Nidhi Shah | RAFT

3.05 pm

De­car­bon­iz­ing Amer­ica's largest school dis­trict - Com­bin­ing PH prin­ciples and clean en­ergy

The NYC School Con­struc­tion Au­thor­ity is build­ing 10-15 pass­ive house level fossil fuel free schools per year & mul­tiple deep en­ergy ret­ro­fits (+ 1 mil­li­on sq/ft/yr).  After pi­lot­ing 4 schools, NYC­SCA's new stand­ar­ds have brought NYC’s schools be­low PH primary en­ergy lim­its while adding re­new­ables.

Jeremy Shannon | New York City School Construction Authority
3.20 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

3.40 pm

The Un­i­que Ca­se of Ita­ly: Sub­si­dies up to 110% for Re­tro­fit Mea­su­res! Les­son Le­ar­ned

The Ita­li­an in­cen­ti­ve cal­led “Su­per­Bo­nus” al­lo­wed a big part of the ex­is­ting buil­ding stock to be re­no­va­ted. Ho­we­ver, alt­hough so­me in­no­va­ti­ve me­cha­nisms we­re in­tro­du­ced in or­der to fa­ci­li­ta­te the pos­si­bi­li­ty to re­tro­fit, is­su­es ha­ve ari­sen that even­tu­al­ly led to a com­ple­te blocka­ge of eco­no­my.

Francesco Nesi | ZEPHIR Passivhaus Italia


3.55 pm

Tri­ka­la 2030: "Pa­ving the Way to En­er­gy In­de­pen­dence with Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard"

Ad­op­ting the ba­sic prin­ci­ple in its en­er­gy tran­si­ti­on stra­t­egy "the gree­nest re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy is the one that is not con­su­med", the ci­ty of Tri­ka­la fo­cu­ses on two main axes, the grea­test pos­si­ble en­er­gy sa­vings main­ly in buil­dings and el­se­whe­re, and the sys­te­ma­tic and pro­duc­ti­on of en­er­gy from re­ne­wa­ble sources. In this pro­ce­du­re to­wards en­er­gy in­de­pen­dence the ad­ap­ta­ti­on of the pas­si­ve hou­se stan­dard will play a ve­ry im­port­ant ro­le.

Stefanos Pallantzas | Hellenic Passive House Institute

4.10 pm

Con­tri­bu­tion to IL­APH to the de­vel­op­ment of the Passivhaus in Lat­in Amer­ica

IL­APH pro­motes the Passivhaus stand­ard for en­ergy ef­fi­cient build­ings in Latam, with the aim of de­car­bon­iz­ing and de­vel­op­ing the con­struc­tion in­dustry. With mem­bers from 19 coun­tries, IL­APH has trained Passivhaus de­sign­ers, or­gan­ized PH pro­mo­tion events and con­tin­ues to work on cre­at­ing an op­tim­al scen­ario for PH, fa­cing chal­lenges such as high
con­struc­tion cost over­runs, lack of PH com­pon­ents and lack of skilled labor.
Marcelo Huenchuñir | Instituto Latinoamericano Passivhaus (ILAPH)
4.25 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

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