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Ses­sion 11

Ses­si­on 11: Fu­ture Chal­lenges: Re­si­li­en­ce and Elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on

Sat­urday, 11th March 2023, Fo­rum2

In Wies­ba­den, will be re­cor­ded and provided on de­mand for the on­line par­ti­cipants after the con­fer­en­ce

Eng­lish ses­sion

Time (CET) Lec­ture Speak­er           
10.45 am Wel­come
Stefanos Pallantzas | Hellenic Passive House Institute

10.50 am

De­riv­ing the sea­son­al op­er­at­ing mode from a build­ing's thermal con­di­tion

The build­ing's thermal con­di­tion cor­res­ponds to the tem­per­at­ure deep with­in the build­ing mass. It can be cal­cu­lated based on the meas­ured room tem­per­at­ures, en­abling a re­li­able de­term­in­a­tion of the sea­son­al op­er­at­ing mode in or­der to con­trol tech­nic­al build­ing sys­tems. In­creas­ing com­fort in sum­mer by op­tim­ising a build­ing's stor­age ca­pa­cit­ies.  

Wolfgang Hasper | Passivhaus Institut

11.05 am

Pas­si­ve Stra­te­gies for a Hot­ter Cli­ma­te: Ex­pe­ri­en­ces from Spain

“Tro­pi­cal nights” and “tor­rid nights” are in­cre­a­sing in south­ern Eu­ro­pe. So­me ci­ties ex­pe­ri­en­ce around 100 per ye­ar. Com­bi­ne this with he­at is­land ef­fect and high hu­mi­di­ty on the coast: main­tai­ning sum­mer com­fort whi­le kee­ping en­er­gy con­sump­ti­on low is not an ea­sy task. Pas­siv­haus is he­re to help. 

Clara Lorente Martin | Grupo Lobe

11.20 am

In­creas­ing com­fort in sum­mer by op­tim­ising a build­ing's stor­age ca­pa­cit­ies

The in­flu­en­ce of dif­fer­ent tim­ber con­struc­tions on the sum­mer per­form­ance of a classroom is es­tim­ated us­ing the thermal res­ist­ance ca­pa­city mod­el The sol­id wood wall con­struc­tion has an ef­fect­ive thermal stor­age mass that is ap­prox. 1/3 high­er than a that of a wood-frame con­struc­tion.

Oliver Ottinger | Da-Di-Werk Gebäudemanagement
11.35 am Ques­tions and an­swers  

11.55 am

Elec­tri­fy­ing Pas­si­ve Hou­se Re­tro­fits in Ur­ban En­vi­ron­ments

More information will follow soon.


Michael Ingui | Baxt Ingui Architects


12.10 pm

Eve­ry Bit Hel­ps! All-Elec­tric Pas­siv­haus: From Low En­er­gy De­man­ds to Low En­er­gy Bills

It is a ti­me of en­er­gy cri­sis, and the buil­ding sec­tor has an im­port­ant re­spon­si­bi­li­ty to im­pro­ve the si­tua­ti­on. Ho­we­ver, the ar­tic­le fo­cu­ses on the user, and the re­spon­si­bi­li­ty that each of us must as­s­u­me to ma­ke pro­gress in the way we con­su­me en­er­gy ad­ap­ting our ha­bits to­wards grea­ter ef­fi­ci­en­cy.

Luis Lastres Panzano | Grupo Lobe

12.25 pm

PH - Is Bench­mar­king the Ans­wer in Ca­na­da?

More information will follow soon.

Esther van Eeden | Kearns Mancini Architects
12.40 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

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